yes not many people understand that but if every barrel of oil is refined into its different grades anyway and that doesn't change, why would the refining costs of diesel. petrol gasoline be different and variable ? Surely the cost of refining should go up and down equally between diesel and petrol etc because when you refine diesel you also get petrol gasoline etc.Gasoline has not been hit as badly as far less of it came from Russia, but keep in mind when you refine different products from crude you can change the ratios slightly but you can’t just say I want loads of diesel and no Gasoilne,
It also shows how stupid the policy of encouraging the purchase of diesel cars over petrol was back in 2008. Traditionally light passenger vehicles were always powered by petrol and heavy trucks, commercial vehicles and agricultural equipment by diesel, therefore there was always a stable equilibrium. Another factor with passenger vehicles getting diesel engines is that it allowed these vehicles get much bigger and now the proliferation of SUVs that consume alot of fuel and are too big for parking spaces