'An acquaintance died of a Thursday last month.'
'Oh, I'm sorry. Do you mind my asking what he died of?'
'I'm not shure but I believe 'twas somethin' fairly serious.'
That's another joke.
'An acquaintance died of a Thursday last month.'
'Oh, I'm sorry. Do you mind my asking what he died of?'
'I'm not shure.'
'That's a terror. There's people dyin' now that never died before'
That's yet another joke.
'Oh, I'm sorry. Do you mind my asking what he died of?'
'I'm not shure but I believe 'twas somethin' fairly serious.'
That's another joke.
'An acquaintance died of a Thursday last month.'
'Oh, I'm sorry. Do you mind my asking what he died of?'
'I'm not shure.'
'That's a terror. There's people dyin' now that never died before'
That's yet another joke.