Making my previous post a bit more readable. Mods feel free to delete the last one.
Personal details
Your age: 34
Your spouse's age: 36
Partner's age if not married:
Number and age of children: 0 (and no plans for more)
Income and expenditure
Annual gross income from employment or profession: 100k for the next 4 years, then probably a lot less (~30k)
Annual gross income of spouse/partner: 10k for the next 2 years then ~40k
Monthly take-home pay: 3-4k net
Type of employment - Employee
Employer type: Private company
Maxing pension contributions and investing about 500 a month.
Summary of Assets and Liabilities
Family home value: 260k
Mortgage on family home: 214k left
Personal shares : 50k in ETFs mostly
Cash: 2k
Defined Contribution pension fund: 40k
Company shares : 15k
Incoming inheritance : ~150k + house worth ~200k
Total net assets: 500k
Family home mortgage information
Lender : PTSB
Interest rate : 4.6% fixed till next year
Remaining term: 29 years
Monthly repayment: 1137
What specific question do you have or what issues are of concern to you?
I'm thinking of paying off the mortgage with the 150k, bringing payments to about 300e monthly. I would just be paying the principle, saving me about 150k in interest (averaging 3.6% interest over remaining years) And then probably rent the house out for about 600 net a month.
Is this a smart decision? I don't like my high paying job, I could potentially move to something more enjoyable/part time and keep my same standard of living.
What are my other options? Invest and hope to beat 3.6% after tax?
Personal details
Your age: 34
Your spouse's age: 36
Partner's age if not married:
Number and age of children: 0 (and no plans for more)
Income and expenditure
Annual gross income from employment or profession: 100k for the next 4 years, then probably a lot less (~30k)
Annual gross income of spouse/partner: 10k for the next 2 years then ~40k
Monthly take-home pay: 3-4k net
Type of employment - Employee
Employer type: Private company
Maxing pension contributions and investing about 500 a month.
Summary of Assets and Liabilities
Family home value: 260k
Mortgage on family home: 214k left
Personal shares : 50k in ETFs mostly
Cash: 2k
Defined Contribution pension fund: 40k
Company shares : 15k
Incoming inheritance : ~150k + house worth ~200k
Total net assets: 500k
Family home mortgage information
Lender : PTSB
Interest rate : 4.6% fixed till next year
Remaining term: 29 years
Monthly repayment: 1137
What specific question do you have or what issues are of concern to you?
I'm thinking of paying off the mortgage with the 150k, bringing payments to about 300e monthly. I would just be paying the principle, saving me about 150k in interest (averaging 3.6% interest over remaining years) And then probably rent the house out for about 600 net a month.
Is this a smart decision? I don't like my high paying job, I could potentially move to something more enjoyable/part time and keep my same standard of living.
What are my other options? Invest and hope to beat 3.6% after tax?