I think I'm living in some kind of parallel universe. Don't know what is more crazy. 80K being considered not a lot for a family to live on, or a person going to court with debts thinking that it's ok to privately educate their children while Irish taxes are being raised to pay back his debtors so his kids get private education, or a judge thinking this is all perfectly reasonable, maybe the judge doesn't know there are free schools in the Irish republic, or the view that kids being taken out of private education will suffer. If my view is begrudgegy than I'd rather be called a begruder than subscribe to the view that this scenario in any way shape or form is normal or right thinking. Truly truly corrupt is what it is. Whatever happened to people being ashamed of their debts and doing everything to repay them instead of proudly boasting of one's excess during the boom and continuing to live the high life and even complaining that one is actually not being paid enough. Suave and sophisticated and personable gets you a long way it seems.
We see eye to eye on a lot of things, and in general I support your indignant position, but where there are kids involved this changes things IMO. Yes, you appear to be begrudging the kids their education. That having been said, I see where you are coming from. I'm saying that I can see why a Court might see its way to taking the cost of their education into consideration.
The rest of your comments ..."proudly boasting"..."Suave and sophisticated"... well, they really DO smack of begrudgery and are not worthy of a level headed poster like yourself. I'll put it down to your being so upset over this.
I also don't buy into this whole "ashamed of their debts" baggage you mentioned - what use will feeling guilty be?
Its bad enough to owe people money and not be able to pay them back without becoming suicidal through worry and shame!
Is them being "ashamed" something that will get them out of debt or is it something you think they should suffer to make you feel better somehow?
If you're going to start invoking morals into dealing with this mess - where do you stop? When we're all living in rags without even a shred of self-respect?
Because make no mistake that's the slippery slope you're on - which is why I tend to leave the law to the legal eagles
Personally I know several people in this guy's position, professionals who dabbled in property and failed to see the signs. The big cars are gone, the lifestyle is now non-existent. The one thing those I know seem to be focussed on is their kids education. I agree with you about everything else, but I would not begrudge them that.
I fleshed out my attitude to this in my other previous posts. I know of several kids who had to change schools. Earlier is better
inter alia. Much harder to do without repercussions when they get older. And no, I would have no problem stopping the riding lessons and getting them to do part-time work to help pay for their education during the school year with some full time work during the holidays.
I worked full time both at home and abroad during my teens when I could get work to do just that. It teaches you self-reliance, independence, the value of money and it makes you appreciate others who have to work for a living all their lives in lower paid employment.
Finally and for the record I don't buy into any of this guilt-ridden hair shirt cutback nonsense.
This whole scene suits someone's agenda and its being promoted by vested interests if you ask me.
No country has even saved or cut its way out of recession - prudent savings yes, swinging savings no.
We urgently need to develop an economic strategy that is less capital intensive and more labour intensive.
And find ourselves some banks who will lend!!!