Im avoiding Tescos because of being accosted at entrance from Airtricity, Sky etc!

I don't understand the problem. You say no, keep walking. How can they be persistant and aggressive if you just walk right by them, they hardly follow you to the carpark.

If you don't want to speak to them on your doorstep, say no thank you and close the door. Seriously lads, man up a bit!

Perhaps you have all the time in the world to deal with these idiots, but I have better things to do with mine.
Well, Airtricity are back in Tesco again and just as persistant as before.

I see people (mostly young people) signing up accounts with them and then being handed the paperwork to read.

I don't think I'd be signing anything with them or anybody else without first reading the terms and conditions
I am giving Tesco a wide berth at the moment.

Airtricity have their stall just inside the front entrance and I got fed up being accosted by them. I do not wish to change my supplier at the moment, a phrase they do not seem to understand.

Last week it was SKY.

The week before Airtrcity again!
Hello I actually work for Tesco Ireland and as far as I am aware there is no agreement between these companies and Tesco they would have to ring the store manager to gain premission to set up a stall so I would contact the store manager first of all and explain your concerns if you have no joy I would contact Tesco through hope this helps .
I have voiced my concerns at customer service. They thought it was a joke, so I may consider the next step
Perhaps you have all the time in the world to deal with these idiots, but I have better things to do with mine.
Why do you think he/she wastes their time with them when they ignore them and walk past and say no at the door to them? :confused:
Have to agree with the posts which advise walking past - it works all of the time, doesn't matter where the stand is located. What really bugs me is the number of boxes of Thornton's chocolates which we've bought because it seems to be a no-brainer - a big box for €4.49, a saving of almost €12. They're situatated right inside the Tesco ingate where you can't miss them - and my hubby has been suckered in and bought yet another box today for a pressie for somebody, anybody... Watch out, aunties, MIL's, elderly relations....:eek:
Have to agree with Black Sheep, if their inside the door then Tesco has a lot to answer, they must realise the hassle this gives alot of their customers so obviously there getting something out of it and feel its worth it. :(

What really annoys me more is the charity bag packers......well most of em anyway. Potatoes on top of eggs smile and cough up I've packed your bags sir.
I think I'll go shopping with you Pudds next time. Maybe the bag packers and the sellers would find it more difficult to nobble 2 of us together.
Please keep this thread to discuss being accosted by aggressive Airtricity and Sky sales people in the vicinity of Tescos.

If you want to discuss bag packers or any other aspects of shopping in tescos then feel free to start a new thread about it.
