Ignoring posters



Is there any way that a feature could be provided to allow users to ignore other users? It seems prevalent in chatrooms.

There is one poster on DAAM that is driving me NUTS. I can't stand reading the threads here anymore.

Register and name and shame guest. Sometimes addressing a problem openly and honestly can be of benefit to both parties...
Hope now its not me!
Re: ..

Is there any way that a feature could be provided to allow users to ignore other users?

Not unless ezBoard add it to the platform on which this site is hosted.

Any html gurus out there know if it is possible to interpret webpages using your own rules? Maybe you could use the username as a key word and block out those posts from display on your browser?
> Any html gurus out there know if it is possible to interpret webpages using your own rules?

Yes - if you want to write your own browser or proxy server or something like that then you can do what you want with the page source HTML but it seems a bit excessive when you can simply follow ralph's suggestion above and skip over annoying posters' contributions...
better still

why not just get a grip on yourself and stop upsetting yourself over an internet messageboard for letting off steam!!! :rolleyes
Maybe it's ralph you're trying to get away from...? :lol

if (user == "ralph") then
skip to next contribution


while (ralph posting){
if (ralph's post agrees with my point of view){
read post;
delete from memory foever and lambast ralph for being (insert rude remark)

Write a nice API maybe...

You could write an nice API for it that might start something like this...

public class INeedToGetALifeAndStopHatingIndividualsOnThisMessageBoard implements IHaveNoLifeAndThisIsAllIThinkAboutAllDay throws Exception IllegalArgumentException{

insert various methods...

Annoying posters



See it's easy isn't it?

Go and help someone else nitwit.

Is there a Lord of the Flies connection to be made here? Annoyingness of this magnitude is hard to mimic.
Re: Write a nice API maybe...

I think a server side solution might be more appropriate:

SELECT * FROM tblMessages WHERE MsgPoster <> "ralph"
AND TopicID = 292

(Although a MsgPosterID would probably be used.)

youre right of course. I wrote it in a hurry. Here's an amended version complete with helper method. It's a nice start for guest anyway.

public class INeedToGetALifeAndStopHatingIndividualsOnThisMessageBoard implements IHaveNoLifeAndThisIsAllIThinkAboutAllDay{

public INeedToGetALifeAndStopHatingIndividualsOnThisMessageBoard {

public String attack throws IllegalArgumentException{
RandomInsultTrollingGenerator randomInsultTrollingGenerator = new RandomInsultTrollingGenerator();
RandomUsername username = new RandomUsername();
String iHateYouSoMuch = randomInsultTrollingGenerator.particularlyFoulMouthedNastyReply();

return iHateYouSoMuch;

great stuff

Your funny joke is funnier this time. Why don't you kick that dead dog of a gag a few more times?

I thought you liked to cast scorn on people posting under unregistered aliases? Add hypocrite to you lengthy list of disgusting features.

I see guesty has already implemented the attack method very nicely. Good to see my work is helping people.

I thought trolling was all about usurping the relevant topic of conversation? You seem to have done that effectively here.
Please use your registered name so I can work on finding a filter for your ubiquitous rubbish.