If you won the lotto...

If I won the €185 million I would use it to destroy anyone who ever crossed me in the past.

  • Michelle from college who dumped me and broke my heart. I would buy the house next to her and her husband (Brad) and leave it go to rack and ruin and encourage fly tipping in the front garden.
  • I would go around the company where I work and ask everyone (except management) how much they needed to retire. Give them the amount and then wait and see how long before the company implodes. All managers would have to try and work for a change in a vain attempt to save there jobs.
  • John from primary school who bullied me. I would hire a Kung Fu specialist to hurt him. Hurt him bad.
  • I would hire 12 female Personal Assistants (one for each month). All would be drop dead beautiful. None would get a salary as the job would be on a trial basis. The one who pleased me the most who get the job on a full time basis on a salary of €2.5 million a year.
  • I would spend €5 million trying to finally putting to bed the issue of whether Elvis is alive or dead.
  • I would build Irelands version of The Statue of Liberty or The Eiffel Tower (in Cork) and charge people €2.37 to enter. If they did not have the correct change they would not be allowed entry.
  • I would build a giant pyramid (bigger than those Egypt) in Fitzgeralds Park as my tomb for when I die. Councillors would be bribed as required to ensure the project would go ahead.
  • I would bankroll Jackie Healy-Rae and his family so they could run there own political party which would seek independence from Ireland. Ireland would be so much better off without Kerry.
  • I would fund a reality TV programme where female candidates would compete in various tasks so that they one day become my wife. The public would vote (text messages €1). The money made would fund RTE so that the TV Licence could be abolished.
  • I would fire Ryan Tubridy from The Late Late Show and bring back Pat Kenny.

Brilliant. Post of the year:D
If I won the €185 million I would use it to destroy anyone who ever crossed me in the past.

  • I would spend €5 million trying to finally putting to bed the issue of whether Elvis is alive or dead.
Brilliant! That is certainly something that keeps me awake at night too.
Michelle & Brad sound like characters in Home & Away or Eastenders? So they deserve all they get.;)
I think that we can all say the one thing we’ve learned from this thread is not to cross The Banker.
I've always said that if we were to win the lotto I have only one thing on the shopping list: Aston Martin DB9. She can then do what she likes with the rest (and leave me petrol money and insurance money).

Saw one at the weekend...a convertible too. Yes, it would be on my list too.
Well, if I won the lotto . . . I would put a few bob towards it and pay off my debts.
This might sound a bit boring for some but I know exactly what I'd do....

I'd start the Irish School of Motor Racing and offer all the places free to those with the right enthusiasm and talent. There are some cracking drivers around already competing and various levels in varying types of motor sport and I think they should be given the chance to have an shot at glory. Plus I'd start teams in various disciplines (WRC, BTC, etc) to give drivers a chance and also offer engineering apprenticeships to promising youngsters who maybe don't have much of chance elsewhere.

I've thought about this a bit too much I think........