If you won the lotto...


Registered User
Just watching the press conference for the people who won the Euromillions last week, the husband was saying he had no intention of changing his car ( his wife interjected she would be changing hers!) I never ever will understand that view, you have just won more money than you will ever need and coming out with the old "it won't change me/why would I buy a new car" Then why do the lottery then if not to change your life.?

If I won, I would help out some family members, give some to charity and then in the words of Viv Nicholson Spend Spend Spend.

I wonder is it just down to pure shock at the enormity of the win that people say those things?

If you won, even a lesser amount, say 2 million, how do you think you would react?

And yes, I am jealous but don't begrudge them the win....
If I won £165 million I would spend like a hallion, and wouldn't stop for a long time.

I would buy every supercar going, a few houses around the world, visit everywhere I even wanted to, and maybe some places I hadn't, and then settle a bit.

Plus of course, I would give a couple of million to all my family members and close friends. I think you would get more pleasure from helping others and charities than from fast cars etc.

Now, if the win was £2million, thats different. Spending would have to be thought out.

But I agree, why try to win £165million if you are gonna be boring and not let it change your life?
I've always said that if we were to win the lotto I have only one thing on the shopping list: Aston Martin DB9. She can then do what she likes with the rest (and leave me petrol money and insurance money).
165m....this sounds extremely boring so apologies in advance....I would spend the next 20 years of my life giving away 100m of it. 5 million a year to good causes. It would be a very rich and wholesome life. Still plenty in the kitty to enjoy the nice things in life and look after the kids. If it was 2m I wouldn't change much at all. Probably just buy an apartment in Nice.
I've always said that if we were to win the lotto I have only one thing on the shopping list: Aston Martin DB9. She can then do what she likes with the rest (and leave me petrol money and insurance money).
That would be at the top of my wish list as well.
I've a lot of relatives I've not seen in years
If I won I'm sure they be calling over and wanting to get to know me

One hand patting me on the back, one hand out in front of me

And the begging letters. The postman would be bring stacks of them.
I'd hire Helen from the Apprentice as my PA. She is efficient.....and hot!

Oh I've worked in retail and it's a miserable job and some of the public treat you like dirt.
I'd give a serious tip, like €185,000 to the lad/lass behind the counter who sold me the ticket.
Straight to the minimum wage shop assistant, not to the owner
I'd buy out Brendan so I'd own Askaboutmoney.com. Then I'd put manners on ye...

Don't think you need to win the lotto. I am pretty sure Brendan would be open to offers! Complainer.com has a certain ring to it. Just checked. The domain is on sale!
Buy a Greek island, maybe Corfu, rename it after me good self, declare myself a Kingdom , join the UN, leave the EU, kick out all the poor people and become a tax haven.
Buying an island and thinking you are landed gentry and looking down on poor people?

Check out CJ Haughey above ^^^^
I'd buy out Brendan so I'd own Askaboutmoney.com. Then I'd put manners on ye...

Is he for sale?

I'd devote my life to charitable purpose, trying to ensure those less well off had a voice and hope and sustenance.

Either that or a bit of a shopping spree.

Oh and I've always wanted a puppy.
Is he for sale?

I'd devote my life to charitable purpose, trying to ensure those less well off had a voice and hope and sustenance.

Either that or a bit of a shopping spree.

Oh and I've always wanted a puppy.

We all know you would choose the shopping spree!
vanilla said:
I'd devote my life to charitable purpose, trying to ensure those less well off had a voice and hope and sustenance.

Either that or a bit of a shopping spree.

Oh and I've always wanted a puppy.

Must be coming up to Rose of Tralee time again.

185m.....I can guarantee you that my home county would win an all-ireland for the 1st time , within a 15yr time frame!!!!
I'd pump a lot of it into my home parish as well.....a nice retirement village with carers for the older people near to a beach.....top of the range facilities for the GAA and soccer club incl. indoor pitches....huge community centre with a state of the art facility for u-18's to keep them away from alcohol.....racing track to keep the boy racers off the roads....best education facilities and teachers going for the local schools...I could go on and on here!!!
An Aston Martin would be on my personal hit list...a bugati also. Helipcopter too and a big fishing boat. But I'd get far more enjoyment spending it locally and setting my mates and family up for life

you can see that I have'nt thought much about this!
We all know you would choose the shopping spree!


Must be coming up to Rose of Tralee time again.


LOL. Can I now demonstrate my skill...someone will need to hold my beautiful shoes ( Jimmy Choos, the result of said shopping spree) while I slip on my old brogues. Haven't danced for years but I reckon none of youse will know any better anyway.
If I won 165 million I would give away 160 million. A million each to family and very close friends and the rest to various charities. I would go on national television and annouce that I was giving away all my money so my family or I would not be a target of kidnapping. I would do up my house, change my car and have a fantastic holiday. I would then have a few million in the bank to keep me going till I died. I think 5 million would be more than enough for anyone.
If I won the €185 million I would use it to destroy anyone who ever crossed me in the past.

  • Michelle from college who dumped me and broke my heart. I would buy the house next to her and her husband (Brad) and leave it go to rack and ruin and encourage fly tipping in the front garden.
  • I would go around the company where I work and ask everyone (except management) how much they needed to retire. Give them the amount and then wait and see how long before the company implodes. All managers would have to try and work for a change in a vain attempt to save there jobs.
  • John from primary school who bullied me. I would hire a Kung Fu specialist to hurt him. Hurt him bad.
  • I would hire 12 female Personal Assistants (one for each month). All would be drop dead beautiful. None would get a salary as the job would be on a trial basis. The one who pleased me the most who get the job on a full time basis on a salary of €2.5 million a year.
  • I would spend €5 million trying to finally putting to bed the issue of whether Elvis is alive or dead.
  • I would build Irelands version of The Statue of Liberty or The Eiffel Tower (in Cork) and charge people €2.37 to enter. If they did not have the correct change they would not be allowed entry.
  • I would build a giant pyramid (bigger than those Egypt) in Fitzgeralds Park as my tomb for when I die. Councillors would be bribed as required to ensure the project would go ahead.
  • I would bankroll Jackie Healy-Rae and his family so they could run there own political party which would seek independence from Ireland. Ireland would be so much better off without Kerry.
  • I would fund a reality TV programme where female candidates would compete in various tasks so that they one day become my wife. The public would vote (text messages €1). The money made would fund RTE so that the TV Licence could be abolished.
  • I would fire Ryan Tubridy from The Late Late Show and bring back Pat Kenny.