If you were to start afresh, where would you go & why?

And the fois gras and the 80+ cheeses and fresh sea-food and the open-air markets... I'm there!
And the fois gras and the 80+ cheeses and fresh sea-food and the open-air markets... I'm there!
The cheese and sea-food sound great, but isn't fois gras that cruel force-feeding thing?
Would up and leave to NZ, lived there for the year doing the WHV thing and loved it, nice life, good job, small little town, great friends, great social life, nice little house rented, outdoor lifestyle, relaxing life style.....................why did i leave????? (still the grass i greener on the other side) also you dont know how far you are away from home until you are there.

or argentina, all of the above but with a latin streak through it, mendoza probably.
what about ski instructor up the mountains in slovenia by winter, come down the mountains of slovenia in summer and go to lakes, beaches, etc, slip off to montenegro in an aston martin along the winding narrow roads, stop off in craotia perhaps along the way or pop to italy for a pizza and come back through austria for some hot chocolate... sounds like a great spot actually although never been, just imagine...seems central to a hive of activity and beauty
I absolutely love living in Cork. And I couldn't imagine my quality of life being better anywhere else, given that, where ever you are, you still have to get out of bed in the morning and do a day's work.

I lived and worked in Boston for a while and loved the place. Great city. But if I had to start over somewhere else, I think I'd go west coast U.S.A. Probably the San Francisco area.

And second choice would be somewhere in Spain. I love Spanish people, the language, the climate, the culture and............. the red wine. :)
Coast of British Columbia. Quality of life, scenery, fresh air and BC Bud :)
So why don't you all go and live in your chosen places? If you really want to, you can make it happen. I don't believe for a moment you can't. I am being totally serious.

Why does any of this have to wait until some pre-chosen 'retirement' age not of your own choosing?
For us it's a question of finances. In another seven years I can draw down a reasonable pension, plus my savings will have matured. Bring it on baby! By then my husband will have retired for two years and having a low boredom threshold, will jump at the opportunity. Hopefully :)
Has to be Ibiza for me best place on planet earth.

Roland you're right - I'm going asap, no point in hanging around waiting.
I don’t think I’d live in another country but I would definitely take a different career path.
I think I have come to my conclusion, I would love to live in Canada, out on a ranch, with loads of horses plus other animals and for people to come and have the cowboy experience, loads of fresh waterfalls, mountains, crystal lakes, basically the great outdoors.
I think I have come to my conclusion, I would love to live in Canada, out on a ranch, with loads of horses plus other animals and for people to come and have the cowboy experience, loads of fresh waterfalls, mountains, crystal lakes, basically the great outdoors.

(you have to picture this next bit with Amhrán na bhFiann playing in the background)

I've seen grand vistas on holidays and seen lifestyles that I think I'd be happy with, but then I sometimes this country takes my breath away (in a good way).

We don't have a great climate, but then when we do get those nice days the immediate collective shift in everyone's morale is brilliant. that one ray of sunshine changes every thing. It wouldn't be the same if it was predictable or constant. Look at how it is when we get a run of good weather in the summer, after a week we complain it's too warm.

So you get that nice day and yes everyone has the same idea: BBQ! But that's also great (as you fight over the last of the burgers in the shop). Everyone in the neighbourhood is out in their back gardens cooking enough cow to keep an African nation going for a year. Beers are chilled, friends are 'round and you sit out the back full, merry, and talking rubbish. It's the fact that you only get to do it a couple of times a year that make it all the better.

Same with the views, boy do we have them. There are times when I'm driving in various counties when it's safer for me to pull in and just absorb the view than it is to keep driving constantly looking around. Even on my poxy morning commute to to work. The first thing I have to tackle on the cycle is a pretty steep hill. But on those nice mornings, when I get to the top I'm looking out over Malahide and out into the Irish Sea. It's a fleeting glance, but it's worth it.

Or there was the time at band cam...working in Sligo. I got there late at night, feeling sorry for myself. Checked in, went to the room and crashed out. Woke up in the morning, still feeling sorry for my self and opened the curtains on a clear fresh spring day overlooking Rosses Point and the whole bad humour disappeared in an instant.

But there's other stuff, like nipping to the local. Yeah, it's pricey enough, but I get more change out of €10 at my local than I would in Paris. Or it being ok to nip in for a pint while in town and the OH is shopping and not feel that people will presume you're an alcoholic or out on a stag do. And that when you do, you end up as either the tourist ambassador for Ireland for the tourists who are in there or end up making a friend for an hour setting the world to rights with a complete stranger.