if you didn't have to work ... would you?

I'd buy a small, not-for-profit vineyard on the banks of the Loire. In the winter I'd hibernate to my villa in St Tropez. Happy happy days.
I work full time and do some voluntary in my spare time, so if my lotto win allowed me I would leave full time work, but do more voluntary work.
before that I'd kidnap [broken link removed] and bring him to a desert island and ............................ ;)

I'm just getting the sack ready to throw over Goran's head because my numbers will be called out in a few minutes. If yas don't hear from me again I'm gone off to that island :D
No, I wouldnt work, if I won the Lotto, I would travel, and do some further studies, and just enjoy life.
Not sure what I would do if I had money, but I'd be gone from work in the blink of an eye, that's for sure!
Not a doubt on my mind I would continue to work because I love what I do for a living
I'd try to lead as depraved and outlandish a life as possible 'till I found the as yet illusive boundaries of what I would regard as acceptable behaviour for myself... or I'd die trying.
I'm just getting the sack ready to throw over Goran's head because my numbers will be called out in a few minutes. If yas don't hear from me again I'm gone off to that island :D
So we can take it you won then? ;)

Just waiting for the news of the missing actor to come through now .....
I'd try to lead as depraved and outlandish a life as possible 'till I found the as yet illusive boundaries of what I would regard as acceptable behaviour for myself... or I'd die trying.

I always intend for this to be just a regular day for me - but work just gets in the bleedin' way.
I wouldn't do what I'm doing now...but I'd absolutely have to do something, or I'd go out of my mind. Like suggested before, start my own business, one where I could be as involved or uninvolved as the mood of the day takes me! Or do some part time hours somewhere local.

Or some volunteer work...I think its interesting that so many people propose to do this if they had money. I like the idea of it so much, but find life gets in the way, and I suppose that means I'm a little selfish with my free time- would love the means to allow me to do it. I say every now and again 'I must sign up to do something, anything' and then I realise what it would entail - I suppose many of us are like this?

As someone else said...I would probably drink waaay too much! :eek:
I'd go back to work and start pushing buttons, see just how far I could push it before they start trying to get rid of me.
Little things, parking in the bosses car space, very long lunches, talking loudly on my mobile for hours in the office etc. Maybe some eccentric clothes!

How would you behave at work if you did not need to be there!
How would you behave at work if you did not need to be there!

Id stay on the phone all the time shouting 'BUY BUY BUY', 'SELL SELL SELL', slamming it down occasionally and muttering to myself about the state of the world markets. On a company phone of course.

But seriously, would I work if I was rich beyond my wildest dreams? No way. Id travel the world, learn things I enjoy, do things I enjoy doing......

I could fill a lifetime and more with things Id like to do that are totally non work related.
I was a stay at home mam for eight years then was offered a job a couple of years ago and thought I'd give it a go. Then the recession hit, my job disappeared and I took another job to replace the money I was losing. I enjoy working most of the time but being honest, if I didn't have to, I wouldn't.

If I won the lotto I'd leave quietly and properly then stay at home again, I have more than enough in the way of hobbies and housework to keep me busy.
Although I find my job very fulfulling, like so many others I'd probably be off abroad.

Already spent most of a big win, in my head, tbh! Buying the plot behind my house for a swimming pool, annex and heli-pad! lol

Would like to learn to fly a helicopter/plane, play a musical instrument and have a personal trainer to shift post baby weight (baby is now almost a teenager, so it's about time)

Sue-Ellen has good taste too;)
have a personal trainer to shift post baby weight (baby is now almost a teenager, so it's about time)

See I always think Id do this too - but the reality is, if I had that much money, why would i worry about being in shape? Id just pay some strong handsome (and scantily clad) men to carry me about on a padded throne and let them worry about being in shape!!!
I always thought that if I had lots of dosh and didn't have to work, I'd like to caddy on the European Tour for some player who wasn't making a lot of money and who'd appreciate having a caddy who'd do it for free.

A professional golfer who'd appreciate a caddy? Some hope!
See I always think Id do this too - but the reality is, if I had that much money, why would i worry about being in shape? Id just pay some strong handsome (and scantily clad) men to carry me about on a padded throne and let them worry about being in shape!!!

So, Truthsayer, what has that post to do with the thread's original question. Where did the rich thing come from!?!:D
So, Truthsayer, what has that post to do with the thread's original question. Where did the rich thing come from!?!:D

Well the only way I can see me not having to work to pay my bills is to be filthy, disgustingly rich - cos if I only had 'just enough' to live on Id probably work to have more to be filthy rich!!!!

We can all dream.......