if you didn't have to work ... would you?

Henny Penny

Registered User
Just looking for your views pls. If you didn't have to work to pay your bills etc. would you still work? If not, what would you do ...
Become a full time voluntary mod on AAM but before that I'd kidnap [broken link removed] and bring him to a desert island and ............................
I always thought that if I had lots of dosh and didn't have to work, I'd like to caddy on the European Tour for some player who wasn't making a lot of money and who'd appreciate having a caddy who'd do it for free.
Are you mad, work is for fools and horses. Of course I would not work.Life is too short

There are so many better things to be doing with your life than sitting behind a desk for 9 hours a day + comuting times of say another hour working for the man.

When you hear people say, "If I won the lotto i'd continue working" I'm thinking, Man , these people don't know what living is.

The only exception I would see to this is if you were working for yourself doing something you really loved doing. Then in this case working is good as you get a kick out of it.
I always thought that if I had lots of dosh and didn't have to work, I'd like to caddy on the European Tour for some player who wasn't making a lot of money and who'd appreciate having a caddy who'd do it for free.

If you had lots of money you could probably play so much golf that you could end up playing on a European tour yourself and have somebody else caddy for you. I'll caddy for you Lex
If I had the means not to have to work I’d probably maintain some involvement in work but I’d travel more and read more. I may take up full time study in something I’m interested in that is not work related.
There is no way I would work unless I had to. If I won the lotto tomorrow, that would be the end of me as a PAYE worker. I would travel more, get into writing (which I would love to do) and would do voluntary work, possibly animal related and/or working with families affected by suicide, as these are subjects close to my heart.

That said, I like my job and work with a great bunch of people and am one of the lucky ones who (still) have a job, but in the overall scheme of things, it must be great to do something that makes a real difference and really matters whether it is done or not when all is said and done.
I work to live and most definitely not the other way round.

Some people are lucky in that they love what they do - I don't, but I can tolerate it. Those who love their work will probably find that they will continue - and I think that's what some people don't understand when they hear of 'lottery winner continues to work' etc.

I have a million things I would want to do - travel, write, record music, further my education, learn new and unusual skills....

I would absolutely never be short of things to occupy me.
if i won the lottery i'd hand in my notice that evening from a greek island. (any greek island)

i also cannot understand people saying they would keep working if they won the lottery. my god why would you do it?

but i do actually know someone who won the irish lotto and kept working. admittedly they didn't win a million+ but from what i can remember at the time it was a decent win.
If you had lots of money you could probably play so much golf that you could end up playing on a European tour yourself and have somebody else caddy for you. I'll caddy for you Lex

Thanks, Niallers. The thought of all that time and a seriously improved game, allowing me to play on the European Tour, had crossed my mind, to be honest.

And I don't know to break this to you, because I don't want to appear ungrateful, but....well.....I...., eh....well I kinda had thought already about having a caddy as well.................Sorry............................

I would go back to college to do a degree in English, build myself a giant library containing a copy of every book ever printed and work my way through them from my country estate. I'd prowl the DSPCA and pound and take home all the old mangey dogs that no one wants and spoil them rotten for the rest of their days. I'd have chickens, a vegetable garden, a lake and a forest in my country estate and go walking with the mangey dogs for hours. Heaven! (Although i might need Euromillions rather than the Irish Lotto!)
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I'm sure she would do a better job of looking after your balls than I would .
I thought I'd have to work to stop myself from going mad, but the more I thought about it, the more stuff I could do to fill my days.

I'd surf everyday, I'd work on my car and probably drink too much, it would be fun.

Nialler says it all !!!
I think it depends on your definition of work, Would I continue to get up at 6am to commute to work, knowing it'll be after 6pm when I get home if I didn't need to do so financially?, not on your nelly.

However would I take up a part time job a lot nearer home in something I was interested with no real pressure, probably, if only to keep the brain active. I would need to have a real interest in what I was doing and/or be doing some good for the world
Not a chance!
I would set myself up in a large seaside residence, with views of the ocean, and near a beach, and paint, sculpt, garden, research, travel, cook, sew, decorate, craft; all the things I don't have enough time or money for.
In Winter, I would take myself off to Morocco where I would do the same as here in the warmer climate.
Of course, most people who replied above would still be working in a sense that they aren't sitting around glued to daytime tv - but as they say, if you choose something you really love, it doesn't feel like work at all!

Forgot to add - I'd also like to do some volunteer work, where it would actually make a difference - there's a trip to Malawi that Tracy Piggott is organising at the mo - I hope to be able to do that, not this year, but maybe next year. Teaching locals to use computers and set themselves up for the future.
If I won the lotto, I'd keep on working for a few months until the speculation about who won died down and then I'd leave quietly with no fuss. Would prefer to be an anonymous millionaire.
If I won the lotto, I'd keep on working for a few months until the speculation about who won died down and then I'd leave quietly with no fuss. Would prefer to be an anonymous millionaire.

Actually, yes come to think of it I would probably do that too.
If I won the lotto, I'd keep on working for a few months until the speculation about who won died down and then I'd leave quietly with no fuss. Would prefer to be an anonymous millionaire.

I use to think I'd do that as well but I think the game would be up when they saw I had a nice new beamer and jimmy choos - something I didn't have when I was working.

That said I have always said I would not give up work. I'd take a shorter working year and take Jan - March off.