I am confused on the Rabo business. In event of euro break up is there a difference in having a deposit with rabo or having an investment in one of their Funds. In each case do I get back Euro or "Punt".
If I get back "Punts" is this simply a name change at one to one or is it a devalued "Punt" leaving me with say half what I invested in Euro.
Will there be any difference between a deposit in an Irish bank and a deposit in Rabo in event of break up.
Any help? ?
Deposits held in any bank, that is governed by the laws of Ireland, are likely to have their EUR deposits subject to a conversion to new currency, including Rabobank. That is, if the eventuality ever arises.
In case of the break up of Euro - What about a deposit in a Swiss bank? Would this be as good as Germany? Are there any problems about getting deposit in Switzerland.
A deposit in Switerland would, most likely, be held in CHF. Hence, you open yourself up to FX risk. Also, it is not simple opening an account in Switzerland.
What are you trying to achieve? Protection against the possibility of EUR currency breakup?