If I lose my phone can my Revolut, N26 and Raisin accounts be cleaned out?

No, same security on Android (except fingerprint instead of face)
That's why I find it hard to understand how a lot of these thefts don't involve negligence by the cardholder.

I'm quite belt and braces - I keep no more than €100 in any main wallet (rest in the vaults) and I turn off all features like ATM withdrawals, contactless payments, or online purchases.

If a thief has possession of either my card or my phone and not my PIN then there is literally no fraud they can execute that I can think of.
I agree.

My sense is that these cases are less about ‘big bad Revolut’ and more about eejits who’ve left their proverbial car keys in the ignition and want someone to blame.
Cannot pair the N26 App in the Samsung secure folder, tried clearing cache and data no luck, not sure I want to start installing updates.
Wasn’t aware of these features in Revolut…good to know. Are these features available for piller banks current accounts?
I see in Revolut that Apple Pay is not impacted if these features are disabled. What does this mean?
I only know that with Bank of Ireland you can freeze your credit card using the app. This blocks online purchases, taking out cash, in-store purchases. Apple or Google pay are not blocked with this or automated subscriptions.
As regards the safety of online banking apps like N26 I have become highly sceptical. What is to stop the fraudsters from gaining access to your phone, emailing N26 Bank saying they forgot the password, N26 resetting the password. Then they have access to N26 app they can easily reset the 4 digit PIN using the app ( which verifies this by either customer inputting token number on physical debit card or if unavailable by sending a verification text message). Hey presto they have a PIN to transfer everything out.
This all presumes your phone is unlocked. If your phone is locked is it possible to get past the phone PIN?Is biometric ID safer? Should you simply buy a cheap smartphone and keep it at home with all your banking apps with no email access?
Do you not set a pin on your phone? Or fingerprint/biometric access? It would prevent anybody from accessing your phone to make a transaction.
Do you not set a pin on your phone? Or fingerprint/biometric access? It would prevent anybody from accessing your phone to make a transaction.
Pmc365 alludes to the potential that these are not 100% secure. The pickpocket could have grabbed the phone from me while it was in an unlocked state.
Pmc365 alludes to the potential that these are not 100% secure. The pickpocket could have grabbed the phone from me while it was in an unlocked state.

on Android there are various options for automatically locking your phone based on location or activity. Worth setting them up.
on Android there are various options for automatically locking your phone based on location or activity. Worth setting them up.

I'm not sure these things work as intended 100% of the time. I did have something like that set up.
I remember back in the day, if you'd forgotten the password to your Windows PC, you could boot it from a floppy disk and then reset the password by overwriting the storage location where the previous password hash was saved.. I'm not an expert on Android or iOS, but a quick google seems to bring up results for software that can be installed on a PC so that you can connect a locked phone to the PC and reset the PIN without losing the data.

Then it's a matter of starting the app and selecting the "forgot password/pin" option. I was looking at Trade Republic. It seems that if you forget your PIN, they send you an SMS. So not very secure if someone's stolen your phone and reset the phone's PIN. Now, I know that in Trade Republic you can only transfer money out to a bank account in the same name. But I think you can apply for a debit card in the app. So the thief might be able to use that to spend all your money.

With the BOI app, if you've forgotten your PIN, you have to ring their banking 365 service. So hopefully a human will prevent a thief from resetting that pin. Not sure about any other apps. I must investigate the options for setting an OS-level pin on the financial apps and email app on my Android, if that's really possible and not so easy to bypass.
Interesting scam reported by the BBC where a thief stole phones and credit/debit cards from a gym. They then register the card on an app on their own phone. This triggers an SMS with a one time code to the user's phone, which the thief has, but which is locked. I believe that the default setting is to flash the content of an SMS to the screen even when the phone is locked. So the thief can see the one time code in the SMS and complete the card registration. After that, the thief can spend with the card.

So make sure that your SMS (and indeed any app notifications) are not visible when the phone is locked.

IMHO, it's very difficult for the average person to ensure that their phone and all their banking/financial apps have the most appropriate security settings to prevent fraud. I don't think it's fair, as some previous posters have done, to blame the victim for having done "something stupid". The fraudsters are incredibly clever and resourceful and it's difficult for an average person to keep up.
interesting experience in the US last week, paying for a bill for $175 in a restaurant via Revolut, waiter took my card (it was always in my vision) but I had to give an electronic signature rather then a PIN. I've also been asked for a PIN in shops and the assistant told me to just click the green button. In effect, if my card was stolen and I was not aware of it missing, there seems to be no protection in the USA
interesting experience in the US last week, paying for a bill for $175 in a restaurant via Revolut, waiter took my card (it was always in my vision) but I had to give an electronic signature rather then a PIN.
I had the experience in a bar in the US where they wouldn’t take Apple Pay and insisted on a physical card.

In general the US is about a decade behind Europe for payments.
IMHO, it's very difficult for the average person to ensure that their phone and all their banking/financial apps have the most appropriate security settings to prevent fraud.
I agree. Also, Revolut's premise is based on the user being in control of their phone, communicating with the user by in-app chat, and acting on instruction's given from within their app. If the user loses control of their phone, physically or virtually, the premise falls apart because there is no apparent alternative means for the user to communicate with Revolut.
But I think you can apply for a debit card in the app
Sent out to the address of the owner of the card. You'd need to change this first (which I presume has some check on it) unless you fancy sleeping in his/her garden waiting for the posty.
I've thought of buying a cheap tablet, installing all these apps on the tablet and leaving it in a desk drawer at home. Losing my phone is a nightmare scenario for me as I am so dependent on it for everything now.
That's a vulnerability I never thought of, thanks.
I'd recommend also ensuring you have your SIM lock PIN enabled, otherwise your SIM can be put into another phone to access the text.
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