Ideas for Sleeping Tablets/Methods

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I could arrange for my father-in-law to come around and tell you long stories about people you don't know.:)
I also wouldn't recommend the use of anti histamines - I asked a pharmacist when I was going to Oz a few years ago and wanted to sleep on the flight & adjust to time change - she recommended anti-histamines and a large gin! Anyway we took them and they did the job but left me feeling very dopey afterwards. Also took one on a stop off in hong kong and slept for 17hrs - I was only there for 24hrs!
Rescue Remedy is basically homeopathic and contains no active ingredients so any relief is almost certainly due to the placebo effect. You may as well be doing what Squonk suggest as taking that stuff.

That's your opinion. Are you an expert on homeopathic remedies?

What qualifies you to run down a product that works for millions of people worldwide? I think its very irresponsible for you to make such disparaging remarks about a legitimate homeopathic treatment.
That's your opinion. Are you an expert on homeopathic remedies?

What qualifies you to run down a product that works for millions of people worldwide? I think its very irresponsible for you to make such disparaging remarks about a legitimate homeopathic treatment.
Did you read the link that I posted? Homeopathic "remedies" by definition contain no active ingredients. It doesn't take an expert to conclude that any effects attributed to their use must be placebos. As such some (including me) would argue that homeopathic "remedies" are never actually legitimate since they make claims about efficacy which do not stand up to objective scrutiny on an even basic scientific level.
Also, the less you worry about not sleeping the more likely you are to fall asleep.

Read that if you go to bed and try NOT to sleep it can take the pressure off getting the zzz's.

On a more practical note; why not put a few drops of lavender on your pillow.
If you want to take (and it sounds as if most posters here want to take!!! ) pharmaceuticals to assist you in getting to sleep then you would be best advised to consult your G.P. as medications are specific to the user; there is no general panacea. As Gordanus said already - an occasional bout of wakefulness is completely natural and sorts itself out and your regular sleep pattern will reassert when you get sufficiently tired........without any pharmacological inducements! Read a book, or get up and sort out your CD's or ties or write the next prize-winning Booker novel.
take 5 mls of night nurse med. knocks you out completly. use to take it when I worked nights and couldnt sleep durning the day time or your could try "White chestnut" yes its one of those hebal things, 2 drops in water sip at intervals durning the day!
I like detective stories to read in bed - the inspector Morse ones are great if I can't sleep. (on a tangent I got the whole set of these for €26 on the 13 books) Anyway the trick is to read a couple of chapters then close the book and go through the suspects and try and guess who did it or try and list out the clues. This normally has me asleep in minutes. The important thing is to have the book read already as otherwise you will stay awake to find out the solution.
i suffer from insomnia and have recently stopped watching TV after 9pm.. it's really made a difference - i'm finally sleeping longer and deeper and feel refreshed upon waking... plus, i now have time to do all the things i'd think about but never do, such as 100 situps before bed!

Rescue Remedy is basically homeopathic and contains no active ingredients so any relief is almost certainly due to the placebo effect. You may as well be doing what Squonk suggest as taking that stuff.

Actually I think the 'active' ingredient is brandy. Wasn't there a mini scandal recently about student gobbling this stuff before exams and it was laden with hooch?
You are correct - it's desrcibed as "grape alcohol" or something like that on the label if I recall correctly. So litre for litre something like Buckfast might be more cost effective.
Can't remember for the life of me where I heard of this, and I'm almost convinced it works (well I can't remember lying awake any night I've tried it wondering why it's not working!!) but if you hold your tongue in the middle of your mouth without it touching the sides, top or bottom of your mouth or your teeth then you'll fall asleep pretty quickly...
(If your father only bites part of the tablet, warm him that the taste is awful!)

You can buy pill cutters in pharmacies but always check that the that the drug packaging doesn't warn against cutting/chewing the tablet. If it's a modified release type of tablet you could end up getting an overdose by cutting or biting it.

I'd also echo Gordianus's comments about using sleeping aids with caution. For a natural approach, milk, lettuce and starchy foods are supposed to help.
A good book - one hour of reading before lights off. Then 8 hours of drooly sleep.
Try Valerian, a natural alternative to sleeping tablets - very effective but gentle on the system (sleeping tablets can do awful things to your stomach). Also try camomile tea and learn meditation - will definitely switch your mind off!!
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