ICTUs 'Get Up, Stand Up campaign'

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The reality is the unions will get a huge mandate from the members for strike action which will be on November 24th. Where does that leave the country? No doubt worse off. The unions are very anxious to flex their muscles and will see this strike as a victory for them. They now look upon it as a war between unions and government and will treat November 24th as first battle won, encouraging them to bigger action ahead. I'm sure many do not want to go on strike but the big union stick is leading them down a road which could be disastrous for the whole country. Do the unions want a change of government? Aren't Fine Gael also stating they would cut the public sector. I think the unions are leading the members very much astray.

Would have thought this was fresh in the memory. I'm not going to argue whether the ESRI got their sums wrong if that's where this is going.
Apples and Oranges. Let's start comparing people based on the jobs that they do.

What credibility could a self proclaimed socialist earning €150k p.a. have?
What do you want - cloth caps & mine dust? TUs are entitled to pay to get the best staff to represent them. If the members have a problem with this, they are well capable of addressing it through their own internal mechanisms.

Those who want to understand more about the ICTU campaign can find details at;
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The reality is the unions will get a huge mandate from the members for strike action which will be on November 24th. Where does that leave the country? No doubt worse off. The unions are very anxious to flex their muscles and will see this strike as a victory for them. They now look upon it as a war between unions and government and will treat November 24th as first battle won, encouraging them to bigger action ahead. I'm sure many do not want to go on strike but the big union stick is leading them down a road which could be disastrous for the whole country. Do the unions want a change of government? Aren't Fine Gael also stating they would cut the public sector. I think the unions are leading the members very much astray.

Well said, agree 100%.
Do the unions want a change of government?

Unions want Labour in power.

Public servants who have been hit by the pension levy can increase their take home pay by not paying the unions a percentage of their income in fees.
"What do you want - cloth caps & mine dust? TUs are entitled to pay to get the best staff to represent them. If the members have a problem with this, they are well capable of addressing it through their own internal mechanisms"

Do you really think Jack O'Connor is the best person SIPTU can get? If he is then God only know what the others were like. How can he claim to be a socialist when he is paid 125K and the average member of his union is paid 35k. I was a member of SIPTU so how could I have addressed the salary scale paid to officals and to whom could I have complained exactly? My local shop steward? They're just mouth pieces for the union bosses.

I remember seeing a job advertised as a Trade Union offical some years ago. No qualifications or training were necessary only "good communication skills". That would be Jack and David ok
I'm not going to argue whether the ESRI got their sums wrong if that's where this is going.

But if you are using it to base your arguments on this report then you should back them up.

1. The ESRI report is flawed, it doesn't take into account the pension levy (wage cut).

2. It doesn't compare 'like for like jobs' I mean it compares a Garda's wage to a security guard wage as 'like for like'.

3. It has included the likes of the very highly paid semi-state employees in their deliberations, are semi-state employees paid by the dept of finance if not they should not have been included in the report.

4. The semi-state employees do not pay the pension levy.

5. The report is from 2006 ie out of date.

Apples and Oranges.

Or bicycles to bananas...
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5. The report is from 2006 ie out of date.

On that I agree; it understates the problem. Since 2006 wages in the public sector have continued to forge ahead at break-neck speeds while wages in the public sector have stagnated of reduced. The important point is that the public sector has increased massively as a proportion of the overall economy.
What credibility could a self proclaimed socialist earning €150k p.a. have?

About as much as a pinko dining in Shanahans or a tree hugger having a chauffeur-driven car drive five hours from London to collect him from the Holyhead ferry has ie absolutely SFA.
They desperately want FF and Green Party gone. That much is clear.
Why wouldn't they? The unions want the Labour Party, the political wing of the public sector union movement, in power. They will then not only wag the dog but long the leash.
But if you are using it to base your arguments on this report then you should back them up.


This is a discussion forum and we all have our own jobs. I'm not going to live my life either saying nothing or having to back up the reports of reputable research institutes. I know you guys would love to silence the ESRI and will argue to the death with its findings. Take off your blindfold and accept that the findings of an independent research institute paint a pretty accurate picture of an unbiased reality.

This is a discussion forum and we all have our own jobs. I'm not going to live my life either saying nothing or having to back up the reports of reputable research institutes. I know you guys would love to silence the ESRI and will argue to the death with its findings. Take off your blindfold and accept that the findings of an independent research institute paint a pretty accurate picture of an unbiased reality.
The attempted obfuscation of every single attempt at debating these issues is really tiresome.
But if you are using it to base your arguments on this report then you should back them up.
1. The ESRI report is flawed, it doesn't take into account the pension levy (wage cut).

2. It doesn't compare 'like for like jobs' I mean it compares a Garda's wage to a security guard wage as 'like for like'.

3. It has included the likes of the very highly paid semi-state employees in their deliberations, are semi-state employees paid by the dept of finance if not they should not have been included in the report.

4. The semi-state employees do not pay the pension levy.quote]

+1. Making these points is not obfuscation.
Lets do nothing and try to borrow €400m per week indefinitely !!!!!!!!!!!

One of these days we will get a polite but definite NO
IMF will take no prisoners

But if you are using it to base your arguments on this report then you should back them up.
1. The ESRI report is flawed, it doesn't take into account the pension levy (wage cut).

2. It doesn't compare 'like for like jobs' I mean it compares a Garda's wage to a security guard wage as 'like for like'.

3. It has included the likes of the very highly paid semi-state employees in their deliberations, are semi-state employees paid by the dept of finance if not they should not have been included in the report.

4. The semi-state employees do not pay the pension levy.quote]

+1. Making these points is not obfuscation.
+ 1 , if posters feel that the above do not flaw the ERSI post then let's hear their arguments.
I was a member of SIPTU so how could I have addressed the salary scale paid to officals and to whom could I have complained exactly? My local shop steward? They're just mouth pieces for the union bosses.
Unions are fairly democratic institutions. You could put down a motion at your local branch, and get your branch to raise the matter with the head honchos. You could run for office yourself, like other union members do, and use your influence to change things for the better.

Or maybe you could just sit back, do nothing and moan.
+ 1 , if posters feel that the above do not flaw the ERSI post then let's hear their arguments.

I could but can't be bothered arguing this topic anymore.

However on the subject of comparing jobs on a like for like basis, can I ask why the ERSI get told there is no way you can compare jobs and yet I didn't hear Unions coming out with that argument during benchmarking.
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