Re: ICF (Insulated Concrete Forms) using Reward Structures. - Is this an expensive qu
Don't suppose you'd care to elaborate on your involvement with M2 as per the forum guidelines? One might think you are getting a little defensive and your posts are wandering into sales pitch.
I had the same sales pitch regarding them "being surprised they were more expensive" from one of their sales people recently. He couldn't back it up however once comparisons were made.
The problem with the suppliers technical guys (all the different suppliers) are that most of them basically haven't a clue about cold bridging detailing or what you must take into account when calculating u-values. I'm far from an expert but I'm having little difficulty confusing\annoying alot of them. Reward were the only company that were able to supply alot of actual performance data for developments they've been involved in.
My quote from M2 was recent but I'm not interested in the system anymore.
M2 has more cold bridging because the internal concrete spray prevents the floor insulation from ever coming into contact with the wall insulation. This is a problem the 2 leaf system doesn't have. You also have the opportunity with the 2 leaf systems to externally insulate your window frames which again would appear to not be an option for the M2 system due to structural spray.
How you can figure that filling a polystyrene mould (i.e. the 2 panel systems ) with concrete is more labour intensive than spraying a concrete mix onto the internal and external surface of the M2 system that then must also be made level is open to debate.
On the price of the materials, concrete isn't all that expensive and the M2 system isn't concrete free anyway. It would have considerably less concrete however so point taken on that.
My comment regarding the full fill block cavity wall was on the basis that you were investigating a build system and taking part in what has been an interesting thread on a new and potentially great build system. I happen to think there are alot of similarities between full fill block cavity wall and the M2 system. If you however are involved with M2 in anyway or live in one of their houses (which you for some reason haven't disclosed yet) then my assumption was wrong.
No I am not a sales man for M2, and never have been. And I dont believe I made any sales pitch in relation to M2 to the OP. As the OP original queries were primarily related to quote concerns, I introduced the single panel from M2 for his consideration , as it may work out as a less expensive option for him. Given that the existing options discussed here are going to have difficulty and expense in achieving the passive house values mentioned here, i thought it worth looking at a single panel option that is IAB certified.
I think that more is to be gained by meaning full discusion and investigation into a suppliers product , rather than trying to tie technical guys in knots. As you say you are not an expert , and if you can trip up a technical rep for a company, I would agree with you that I would hesitate in using their product. I would be more inclined to investigate a products history worlwide and locally. M2 has been in use worlwide for about 30 years, so there should be plenty of technical spec, history ,good and bad if any available.
I,m not going to go into the materials versus labour on single and double panel systems, as it appears that we will have to either agree to disagree, or enter into a long debate.As the details of each quote is not available, I dont think its possible to say which option is comparing like for like, and I,ve no reason to doubt you when you say you believe that M2 was the more expensive option. And I dont think a prolonged debate is fair to the OP.
On the cold bridging issue , true internal wall structural concrete of 35 mm all around the perimeter does prevent floor insulation of contacting the wall panel insulation. Externally insulating the window and door opes is possible with the single panel system, I think you would need to check the ope details again in this regard. As I have not looked at the reward ope details I am not able to comment on them at the moment. I personally would have some issues with the current ope details posted on this thread, but that is my personnel opinion.
I think there are advantages and disadvantages in different ICF systems, and none of them offer all the solutions, and its a question of investigating all the options on offer, and pick the one that offers the best solution for the criteria given. Through out this post I think the main issues were related to cost and U values. Which one is the primary requirement. If its u values , then the double panel cost may rise so significantly, as to make M2 an viable option . This is where I was coming from. The 2 questions to be answered are can the double panel reach the required u value, and can it do it economically. M2 single panel can reach the value required, but its cost viability can only be compared when you receive your stats from Reward.
Do I live in an M2 house . No. Have I lived in an M2 house . No. Do I work for M2 .No.
Have I worked for M2. Yes. As their Technical Manager.
Have I ever been tied up by SAS

in any technical discussion related to his quote with M2. Not to my knowledge, but feel free to remind me.