todo, my point is that it looks like the availability of trackers made by the BOI in 2008 appears dicretionary. You said, "On the 22nd Aug I was offered a tracker". You see, in late July the very same BOI told me that a tracker was no longer available, even though I had below 80 LTV and was good all around guy. So I ended up with SVR instead when I signed the papers then in July 2008. Anyway, do not want to distract from your query you have here. But it brings the point home that one and the same bank made trackers unavailable in July to some people, then available in August, then unavailable again in September.
Good luck with the quest, hope you can get your tracker back. Although personally i would prefer if all of us on trackers, fixed and svr alike, paid low rates alike.
Good luck with the quest, hope you can get your tracker back. Although personally i would prefer if all of us on trackers, fixed and svr alike, paid low rates alike.