When this recent increase is passed on, you will be paying 6% ( ECB 4.5% + 1.5% margin)
It is likely to stay at this level for about a year and then maybe come down. I doubt it will come down below 2% , meaning that you will be paying 3.5%
You could fix for 5year to 10 years with Avant at 3.95%
You could fix with AIB for 5 years at 4.65% or 5.05% for ten years.
You could also go AIB variable at 3.75% but I suspect that this will rise.
It's very hard to know. If the 15 year term is important to you, then stick with Pepper.
But getting a 2% reduction with Avant would seem like good value. I would probably apply to Avant and see what term they will give you and what the repayments will be.