Council tenant just like all other tenants are not liable to pay this property tax because they dont own the property they live in.
I agree that it is not fair that the Council as landlord is exempt while competing* private sector landlords have to pay the property tax.
I imagine that this exemption will be challenged in the same way as the VAT exemption was for public car parks competing with private car parks.
I agree with some type of property tax and not one where everyone pays the same. But I would like to see evidence that the money is being used in the areas it is paid.
I live in an 8 year old small estate, we have no street lights, council haven't 'taken over' estate, we pay an accountant fee as we had to take over the management of the estate. Was told on phone by council that if the access road to estate was damaged that we as residents would have to pay the repair.
Why should
I pay a household tax?
I will pay it when bin collection are included, the council 'take over' the estate, and I have to stop paying accountancy fees.
The politicians should stop comparing this to the UK council tax, there most services are included in the charge.
Here we still have private companies charging for bins, recycling etc.
Also it should be payed by the occupant and not the owner.
Its too black and white.
The system was a mess then and is a mess now.
The payment of 100 euros isn't going to change that.
Its all too similar to paying yearly NCT for over 10 year old cars( therefore twice the charge as for newer cars), motor tax on older cars (based on engine size) generally more expensive then newer cars.
Its another tax on the regular joe.