Hypothetical Q.If you don't want to work

If they could claim both JB/JA and the pension then surely the resulting JB/JA income would mean that they would fail the Blind Pension means test or get very little as a result?

Yes, of course. Didn't think of that. Thank you.
PetPal, the following info from the SW website:

Can I get any other Social Welfare payment as well as Blind Pension?

If you are under age 66, you may qualify for one of the following payments in addition to your Blind Pension;

Half Rate Carer's Allowance
Illness Benefit
Jobseeker's Benefit
Maternity Benefit
Adoptive Benefit
Health and Safety Benefit
Injury Benefit
Widow/er's (Contributory) Pension
Widow/er's (Non-Contributory) Pension
One-Parent Family Payment.
(€185.80 + €117) x 52 = €15,745.60 which is still less than €17K. Maybe tax/PRSI could swing it here or something?

Maybe all that free time to do cash in hand work might swing it.

I'd doubt there'd be much, if any, PAYE/PRSI on €17k
If you had even one child say, then you would also be out a large chunk of cash for childcare. I'd say that could swing it alright?
Haven't we got a very low rate of unemployment here? I can't remember the last time I met someone on the dole.

Also get the single Mothers benefit......

I lived next door to a nice couple where the mother had 3 kids from an Ex. Never had to work at all and had the EHB pay for the rent on the best apt in the block.
The "undeclared" BF brought home the luxury money while the state paid alot of the rent and other supplements as she claimed single mothers allowance.......... rent mostly covered for the penthouse with roof terrace and the mom able to stay at home - no childcare costs, mom of leisure! ..... sometimes I wonder are we getting a raw deal in the "middle class"!!
(€185.80 + €117) x 52 = €15,745.60 which is still less than €17K. Maybe tax/PRSI could swing it here or something?

A medical card could make the difference.

Medical card saves costs of
-health insurance
-GP visit
-prescription medicine.

Personally, I think there should be a token minimal charge associated with using a medical card e.g. 2 or 3 euro to see a GP or get a prescription because the current system is a blank cheque.
All these little perks keep adding up and make it quite a tempting lifestyle choice !

And we wonder why people would rather this than to work cleaning floors in Maccy Ds for Min wage.....
Is it relevant exactly what they pay??

Im nearly sold on the lifestyle.........

Time to get me a wife beater 3 or 4 kids and a bag of Dutch ' Watch a bit of day time telly and avoid the commute. ( aprt from the monthly stroll at 10.30 amm to my nlocal siging on post ) the monthly 10 am start is a killer but every job has its down side I guess.

Ohh yeah not to mention double dole for Chrimbo next week !!
Also get the single Mothers benefit......

I lived next door to a nice couple where the mother had 3 kids from an Ex. Never had to work at all and had the EHB pay for the rent on the best apt in the block.
The "undeclared" BF brought home the luxury money while the state paid alot of the rent and other supplements as she claimed single mothers allowance.......... rent mostly covered for the penthouse with roof terrace and the mom able to stay at home - no childcare costs, mom of leisure! ..... sometimes I wonder are we getting a raw deal in the "middle class"!!

Yep, this is quite a common problem. People remain unmarried, the bf declares himself to live at home and the lady of the house draws the single parents allowance. Whereas if the couple got married, the tax credits might be increased but not by enough to make up the difference in what they lose in social welfare payments. If taxes were much higher this might be less prevalent, as the but who wants that either?

However, I'm not sure that I would describe staying at home with 3 children as "mom of leisure". :D
However, I'm not sure that I would describe staying at home with 3 children as "mom of leisure". :D

3 school going kids who walk themselves and one old enough to baby sit oin a Fri night after a hard week............sounds good to me !

2 holidays a year also.
Yep, this is quite a common problem. People remain unmarried, the bf declares himself to live at home and the lady of the house draws the single parents allowance. Whereas if the couple got married, the tax credits might be increased but not by enough to make up the difference in what they lose in social welfare payments. If taxes were much higher this might be less prevalent, as the but who wants that either?
This is exactly the scenario I came across last week while renting out a property. A couple came to see it with their 3 children - he was introduced as the Boyfriend and in later conversation it transpired that he was the father of the 3 children.

When I asked how they would pay the rent, she said she was on SW and the Health Board would pay. She said she would need to have only her name on the lease and he 'wasn't supposed to live with her' (this statement was accompanied by much laughter).

He told me that he works as a carpenter and earns a good wage and that they're on the 'pig's back' with the SW payments, rent allowance, medical cards etc. plus his earnings.

I work a 12 to 14 hour day and it really galls me to see these people playing the SW game and taking as much as they possibly can, even though they know it's illegal.

And before anyone asks, no I didn't report them as I didn't have enough information on them to give to SW. I didn't rent the house to them either.
This is exactly the scenario I came across last week while renting out a property. A couple came to see it with their 3 children - he was introduced as the Boyfriend and in later conversation it transpired that he was the father of the 3 children.

When I asked how they would pay the rent, she said she was on SW and the Health Board would pay. She said she would need to have only her name on the lease and he 'wasn't supposed to live with her' (this statement was accompanied by much laughter).

He told me that he works as a carpenter and earns a good wage and that they're on the 'pig's back' with the SW payments, rent allowance, medical cards etc. plus his earnings.

I work a 12 to 14 hour day and it really galls me to see these people playing the SW game and taking as much as they possibly can, even though they know it's illegal.

And before anyone asks, no I didn't report them as I didn't have enough information on them to give to SW. I didn't rent the house to them either.

Its a very common scenario.

But is it not a self limiting lifestyle? You can take as much as SW gives and perhaps the carpenter makes a good wage but thats it. Youre never gonna own that house that SW pays the rent for, youre never gonna have investments, you will always be dependant on the state to some degree. For the carpenter to use his wages to buy a bigger, better house in a nicer area means that the SW payments will stop. So you can only enjoy this kind of swindle to a point.
A medical card could make the difference.

Medical card saves costs of
-health insurance
-GP visit
-prescription medicine.

Personally, I think there should be a token minimal charge associated with using a medical card e.g. 2 or 3 euro to see a GP or get a prescription because the current system is a blank cheque.

I didn't mention the medical card in my earlier post because persons who have been unemployed for 12 months can retain the card for 3 years after commencing employment - as an incentive to take up work.
Can I get any other Social Welfare payment as well as Blind Pension?
You may qualify for one of the following payments in addition to your Blind Pension;

* Half Rate Carer's Allowance
‑ Illness Benefit
‑ Jobseeker's Benefit
‑ Maternity Benefit
‑ Adoptive Benefit
‑ Health and Safety Benefit
‑ Injury Benefit
‑ Widow/er's (Contributory) Pension
‑ Widow/er's (Non‑Contributory) Pension
‑ One‑Parent Family Payment.
Jeese CM you must be completely isolated from anything other than pure middle class
What the hell is that supposed to mean? :confused:

You mention something and then dismiss it as irrelevant while taking me to task for commenting on it? :rolleyes:
A medical card could make the difference.

Medical card saves costs of
-health insurance
-GP visit
-prescription medicine.
Please advise how the medical card saves the cost of health insurance?
I lived next door to a nice couple where the mother had 3 kids from an Ex. Never had to work at all and had the EHB pay for the rent on the best apt in the block.
The "undeclared" BF brought home the luxury money while the state paid alot of the rent and other supplements as she claimed single mothers allowance.......... rent mostly covered for the penthouse with roof terrace and the mom able to stay at home - no childcare costs, mom of leisure! ..... sometimes I wonder are we getting a raw deal in the "middle class"!!
Given that rent allowance is capped at €700 per month, please let me know where you get get the best apartment on the block, a penthouse with roof terrace 'mostly' covered for €700 per month.
Given that rent allowance is capped at €700 per month, please let me know where you get get the best apartment on the block, a penthouse with roof terrace 'mostly' covered for €700 per month.

Is it? A friend of mine rents to a family whose social welfare cheque to cover rent is 1100 euro a month.