Huge Gas Bill-How can people cope.

A friend of mine had a theory about heating the house, and it seems to have been borne out in his bills. He left the heating on low all the time during the long cold snap. The idea being that all the house was kept warmish all the time and didn't need intense heating up ( using up lots of gas) when the heating was on for only short periods. His bill for a 3 bed tce was pretty much the same, and the house was comfy all the time.
A friend of mine had a theory about heating the house, and it seems to have been borne out in his bills. He left the heating on low all the time during the long cold snap. The idea being that all the house was kept warmish all the time and didn't need intense heating up ( using up lots of gas) when the heating was on for only short periods. His bill for a 3 bed tce was pretty much the same, and the house was comfy all the time.

Exactly the same experience,4 bed semi,bill not more than e30 more expensive than avg for Winter esp given it was during the cold spell bill came to e191.00
A friend of mine had a theory about heating the house, and it seems to have been borne out in his bills. He left the heating on low all the time during the long cold snap. The idea being that all the house was kept warmish all the time and didn't need intense heating up ( using up lots of gas) when the heating was on for only short periods. His bill for a 3 bed tce was pretty much the same, and the house was comfy all the time.

The guy who services my boiler gives exactly the same advice. It seems counter intuitive because it means you leave it on a lot longer, but it does actually work.
- Yes and you then end up pay a higher Cost for your Gas than anybody else.

I would recommend flogas if not with them already.

Can I correct this please, as it is important for people struggling. The cost of gas under a pre-payment meter is the exact same as for anybody else. This can easily be checked with Bord Gais if you don't believe a random stranger on an internet board.

Actually prepayment meters are brilliant - they offer a lot of information on gas consumption and most people who get them see a reduction on consumption just because they are more aware of what is spent, and when.