Historically, current interest rates are, I think, still low. What we saw in the last dozen years was truly unprecedented with interest rates on some occasions being even negative
This happened because of massive ECB intervention in the markets post the Great Financial Crisis.
It is very difficult to see those conditions being repeated anytime soon.
Your TV conversion rate is equivalent to an annuity rate of 5.4%*. That does not look good to me from an actuarial point of view but there are some considerations:
1) Most important is the level of inflation proofing. If the pension is fully inflation proofed then the 5.4% is very bad value. Irish Life annuity calculator gives a rate of 3.6% with inflation capped at 5%. If it is zero inflation proofed - it is a bit closer to fair; Irish Life rate 5.1%.
2) Does your pension include a dependent's pension? If so then again 5.4% looks like poor value; Irish Life zero inflation 50% spouse reversion is 4.7%.
3) Your state of health. These sort of calculations assume you are in average health for your age. Obviously there are circumstances where 5.4% would be good value, but then again maybe the trustees would adjust the TV.
Have you been offered "free" financial advice on this? I am seeing quite a lot of people facing your dilemma.
* 5.4% = 24,230/450,218. If the market annuity rate is lower than this then the TV is "bad" value and vice versa.