HSE training fund

Ask your HR department?

Is this a question or a rant?
Well this is letting off steam but a rant should have loads of outrage!!!!!!! and a few well placed

Come on OP, let loose
I really hope there are prosecutions at the end of all the investigations here. SIPTU have missed a big opportunity by not taking decisive action on this issue.
Now we need to hear what action they are taking against the individuals involved.

This should be the case for across the board. Im sick of journalist and the oppostition comming out with books , scoops and evidence of reckless and fraudulent acts. It started out as exposing the perpetraters but now its like .. look what else they did. Whats the point, only to enrage people because FA happens as a result.

For one thing extravangant expenses should be subject to income tax. Staying in a hotel at €1000 a night , €800 should be seen as payment or income.
I know a lady who works for the HSE. She did a 2 year course.

She got zero funding from them.

Zero help with trains and accomadation up to weekend classes.
I know a lady who works for the HSE. She did a 2 year course.

She got zero funding from them.

Zero help with trains and accomadation up to weekend classes.

This fund was aimed at support grades and as far as I know the courses were set ie: you couldn't just decide to do a particular course. Also all the courses were run locally in conjunction with the VEC's.
Here's the latest:


"The Department of Health and the Health Service Executive have said they cannot complete investigations into controversial spending on foreign travel associated with the SKILL training fund, because the relevant documentation is with SIPTU."

Please someone tell me that I have heard this incorrectly - the course in question was the subject of a report on the 6:01 news.

It said that €47 million was spent on training people.....

not on brain surgery....

not on rocket science .....

not even on how to use computer ......

It was spent on training people how to sweep the floor !!

Not defending the amounts wasted but there was a bit more to the courses than sweeping floors.
I'll try and find out some more about the courses but support staff would include, porters, cleaning, attendants (nursing/physios/radiographers) catering and maintenance staff.
I'll try and find out some more about the courses but support staff would include, porters, cleaning, attendants (nursing/physios/radiographers) catering and maintenance staff.

This level of job does not require much training, just supervision to make sure it is done properly ie the same level of training as given to binmen (they pick it up as they go along),

This is a scandalous waste of money
This level of job does not require much training, just supervision to make sure it is done properly ie the same level of training as given to binmen (they pick it up as they go along),

And then we wonder why our hospitals are riddled with MRSA?
And then we wonder why our hospitals are riddled with MRSA?

So the simplistic answer to MRSA is to spend 47 million on training the cleaners? Yea, right.

Like all jobs of this nature, supervision is critical - no amount of training will achieve anything if the cleaner is not "motivated" to do a good job. Lets face it - cleaning is not exactly where most of our go-getters end up, is it?
It wasn't training for the job. It was to upskill workers. Every company does it. Are you saying porters and cleaners etc aren't entitled to career development? Not defending the amounts spent or the waste but I have no problem with the concept.