How/where do you buy shares?


Registered User
I am interested in purchasing shares in a company but don't know how to go about it. Do you have to buy through a bank? Any advice would be appreciated.
take a look at the quinn life freeway investment fund options, no entry or exit charges and only a 1.5% annual admin charge, keep away from the celtic fund which is a six month looser,and i think will only get woorse,try emerging markets,latin america,or the china fund, all of which are returning 20% plus annually.
take it east del,this is a guy who doesn't know how to buy shares and your telling him to buy funds in latin america and china!!!!!these are high risk funds and should only represent a smaall percentage of your overall fund,everybody is waiting for china markets to collapse,anyone i know has already moved out of china.
as to the origonal question have a look at,there the cheapest for trading,but if your a novice try there trial program,that way you spend pretend money and gain some experiance and see how the markets move.