How Well Did Brian Lenihan Sleep Last Night?

What a breath of fresh air when I read your post DerKaiser.

Did the whingers serioulsy thinking that house prices were going to up indefinately? Did they think that the cheap line of credit would never run out and they could buy up all the useless tat?

People have made their own lives a mess and the best thing they need to do is face up too it and deal with.

And then someone tried to blame the Catholic Church! ILMAO.

Did you? Can you explain the bold part of your above post so? :confused:
Hey DerKaiser, I've a great idea, maybe we could get together and write a book containing all the quotes of the liars and whingers.... something along the lines of 'overheard on a bus in dublin'.... we could call it 'overheard on a radio program'. Feel free to think of a better title. Lols.

Ask not what you can do for your country but what your country can do for you!
Just to include an example:

Carol O'Byrne, a 51-year-old teacher earning €63,000, said she dared not open a pay slip because of the pension levy, and now expected to be down €800 or €900 a month.
"I am now suffering anxiety," she said, adding she would be financially insecure for the rest of her life.
"I will become a criminal rather than pay you any more tax. I will get another job and I will not pay tax.

Checking this out I found a person on €63k per annum will pay €190pm extra in taxes - not €800 or €900!. These are not wonderful people, they are liars and whingers and I really feel for Brian Lenihan for taking unjustified abuse from these people.
I hope she isn't a teacher of Maths or Economics.

I'm pretty sure I've made that point a number of times about teachers and their pay. Disturbing.
I heard that woman on the radio also and thought she was over the top. She has a fairly good salary and yes she will now be down on that salary but so will everyone else in the country. She won't be on the breadline. She admitted to making a bad investment in a foreign property and really she needs to cop on. The people I feel sorry for are those who in a million years wouldn't be in a position to even think about investing in a foreign property and are just trying to make ends meet for their family. When I heard her mention suicide in the histrionic way she did I really bristled.
Just to include an example:

Carol O'Byrne, a 51-year-old teacher earning €63,000, said she dared not open a pay slip because of the pension levy, and now expected to be down €800 or €900 a month.
"I am now suffering anxiety," she said, adding she would be financially insecure for the rest of her life.
"I will become a criminal rather than pay you any more tax. I will get another job and I will not pay tax.

Checking this out I found a person on €63k per annum will pay €190pm extra in taxes - not €800 or €900!. These are not wonderful people, they are liars and whingers and I really feel for Brian Lenihan for taking unjustified abuse from these people.

I presume you gave her a call to check out her allowances, marital status, pension payments etc? Did you take the pension levy into account in your analysis?
What actions are these? Brian Lenihan has been landed in a role where he has to solve a €25bn deficit. He's taxed middle and higher income workers as a first measure to solve the problem. The man works 20 hour days and is doing his best for the country.

I'm paying extra tax of almost one months net pay as a result of the budget. There's hundreds of thousands like me, a silent majority, who all realise that we have to pay these taxes to sustain the country.

Wonderful people? A shower of whingers more like it. It doesn't take guts to go on the radio and whinge, it's takes a hard neck and a lack of civic duty. Lazy Lazy people who have no idea of what's going on in the world. People who've made a balls of their own lives but it's all Brian Lenihan's fault somehow?
In general I would row in with DerKaiser. We're all in it, so we should all get behind the man who is trying to get us out. Some people got seriously carried away. Starbucks was the place to meet, Dundrum shopping on a weekly basis, three or four holidays a year (here I'm guilty myself), state of the art kitchen (even 'tho some would have trouble boiling an egg), at least one new car in expensively upgraded driveway, being mortgaged up to the hilt, second property abroad near some ski slope/sandy beach/far from shore/downtown NY/LA/Paris/London. The pain at looking at frivolous buys now might make people cringe but talk of suicide etc should be taken in context. People do not need an economic downturn to contemplate such drastic actions. The one thing everyone needs to do is get behind the wheel and push. Lives are not destroyed unless there is too much emphasis on material wealth. If your social circle give you the bum's rush because of your ill fortune .......... you've been cultivating the wrong friends. That is shallowness. The sun will rise again tomorrow, babies will give their first cry, people will do spontaneous acts of good will. During the depression, people finished up homeless and hungry. Today's welfare net excludes that possibility. So people should get on with it and stop whinging.
I presume you gave her a call to check out her allowances, marital status, pension payments etc? Did you take the pension levy into account in your analysis?

Why don't you explain to us how a person on 63K a year could have lost 9,600 p.a. NET from their salary from the recent budget plus pension levy?
In general I would row in with DerKaiser. We're all in it, so we should all get behind the man who is trying to get us out. Some people got seriously carried away. Starbucks was the place to meet, Dundrum shopping on a weekly basis, three or four holidays a year (here I'm guilty myself), state of the art kitchen (even 'tho some would have trouble boiling an egg), at least one new car in expensively upgraded driveway, being mortgaged up to the hilt, second property abroad near some ski slope/sandy beach/far from shore/downtown NY/LA/Paris/London. The pain at looking at frivolous buys now might make people cringe but talk of suicide etc should be taken in context. People do not need an economic downturn to contemplate such drastic actions. The one thing everyone needs to do is get behind the wheel and push. Lives are not destroyed unless there is too much emphasis on material wealth. If your social circle give you the bum's rush because of your ill fortune .......... you've been cultivating the wrong friends. That is shallowness. The sun will rise again tomorrow, babies will give their first cry, people will do spontaneous acts of good will. During the depression, people finished up homeless and hungry. Today's welfare net excludes that possibility. So people should get on with it and stop whinging.

I agree with this up to a point. There was definitely something very wrong with a society where people were putting their names on waiting lists for €4,000 handbags, getting into debt to fund non-essentials such as holidays, plasma TV screens and over the top 21sts and Communion parties, and including brash notes containing bank account details with their wedding invitations.

But not everybody behaved like this, so some people are entitled to feel aggrieved at the amount that's now coming out of their pay cheque to compensate for the elaborate lifestyles enjoyed by other people who lived way beyond their means.

However, the bottom line is that it has to be done and hopefully lessons have now been learnt and greedy feckless people will not be allowed bring the economy to its knees again.
Well , I hope he slept well. He has a horrible job and part of the fault is his own party but you get the government you elect. I think we are an ungovernable nation, we want everything, we want to pay for nothing and we admire the guy who makes a killing and even better the fellow who 'gets away with it'.
We would do better to get on with it, I was always suspicious of this celtic tiger stuff. Now with all the whinging that's going on , I'm beginning to think that the tiger was fuelled by hard working eastern europeans who were prepared to do hard work for low wages unlike the 150.000 or so Irish who drew dole during the boom!!!
It's amazing , nobody I know seems to have voted for FF, yet when I was giving out about our political system for the last 10 years, they wouldn't hear a bad word about them. Unless we cop on and learn to live within our means and accept we have no entitlement to some of the daftness that we had, we will not recover.