How Well Did Brian Lenihan Sleep Last Night?

Lex Foutish

Registered User
Like many of you, I listened to Pat Kenny's show yesterday morning when listeners telephoned in and were able to put their points to the Minister. Eventhough I found parts of it upsetting, I was most impressed by the way speaker after speaker made their points to him, while maintaining their dignity. Wonderful people! The late night news on TV last night suggested that the strain was showing on the Minister's face during the session.

It made me wonder if, in private moments, he realises the crushing affects his actions will have on the lives of many of the citizens of his country? One speaker mentioned the word suicide yesterday.

Do you think he was able to sleep last night?
To be fair to him and most politicians, I am sure they are decent men and women. Might not agree with everything they do and say but I don't doubt that they are touched by these stories like everyone else. I have to believe that most politicians are there to do some good (I do wonder about some of them though).
I think he slept like a baby............
He woke on the hour for a feed,
Cried to have his nappy changed,
Had the greens rub his back to get his wind up
And projectile vomited over the whole nation
One speaker mentioned the word suicide yesterday.
Oh you're not serious !!!

Are we in a nuclear war ? Didd the caller get diagnosed with a prolonged painful and incurable terminal disease and their spouse run off with their best friend ?

Mentioning suicide in the context of a budget is completely OTT. It cheapens the argument as much as Maud Flanders "Won't somebody think of the children!".

Yeah, so the country is in a heap, and it'll take a few years to get back to where we were. But consider the larger picture...the sky isn't falling...

Perspective please.

And stop watching George Lee (Or Joe Black as I now call him)

Are we in a nuclear war ? Didd the caller get diagnosed with a prolonged painful and incurable terminal disease and their spouse run off with their best friend ?
DO you think the above are reasons for suicide?

Reality is that marraiges are under huge pressure due to the latest budget.
Some people do have a terminal disease and also have to deal with the pressure of a big cut on their income.
People are losing their jobs/homes.
The samaritans are being inudated with people in dreadfull situations.
For you and I,it may seem OTT but for some,it must feel like the end of the world.

Fair points, Pique, but the woman was quite despairing of her own situation and asked:- "Is it any surprise that people think about suicide?" She didn't convey the notion that she was considering it herself.

Unfortunately, the current situation will lead to more suicides, IMHO. And that should be a cause of great concern to us all.

I agree with Sunny but I think a bit more of up front honesty over the last few months would have painted the Minister and some other politicians in a better light.
Might not agree with everything they do and say but I don't doubt that they are touched by these stories like everyone else.

I agree, I am sure Mr. Lenihan and indeed any other politicians do listen intently to these stories but the fact is you cant put a personal face on decisions like those made in the budget. If we put a personal story to every cut made, decisions would never be made. We can take the hit now ( or back in october when this type of budget should have been implemented) or we can get all the money we have come accustomed to and within a few years the country will be broke.
BTW I am not a FF apologist by a long shot but I just think we need to row in now or the long term effects will be detrimental.

Don't get me wrong, I'm well aware of the hardship that people are going through...but suicidal tendencies over it is extreme IMO.
Considering the number of suicides in Ireland every year (which are glossed over in favour of the more reported, yet less in number, road deaths) due to numerous, some would say, more serious reasons like depression, abuse, serious unrelenting pain etc., I think that combining budget woes with suicide is tabloid reporting and an injustice to those victims of suicide.

Good post and I agree with your points but I think her point was that the Budget could exacerbate the affects of the recession on the S word.

I often wondered if the covering up in the proper reporting of suicides in this country has something to do with our Catholic upbringing. We were taught the such victims couldn't get to Heaven etc.
yep, I do think that if people are "that way inclined" so to speak ,then the worsening situtation of the economy can be the straw that breaks the camels back...

i don't think the church has anything to do with it, and i don't think that people can justify throwing suicide into the conversation to express how bad things have gotten. Plenty of people are deep in it but a budget does not equate to topping yourself.
Maybe they were influenced by our last Taoiseach who raised the question of suicide for anyone who dared to question our prosperity and boom. The emperor had no clothes.

What actions are these? Brian Lenihan has been landed in a role where he has to solve a €25bn deficit. He's taxed middle and higher income workers as a first measure to solve the problem. The man works 20 hour days and is doing his best for the country.

I'm paying extra tax of almost one months net pay as a result of the budget. There's hundreds of thousands like me, a silent majority, who all realise that we have to pay these taxes to sustain the country.

Wonderful people? A shower of whingers more like it. It doesn't take guts to go on the radio and whinge, it's takes a hard neck and a lack of civic duty. Lazy Lazy people who have no idea of what's going on in the world. People who've made a balls of their own lives but it's all Brian Lenihan's fault somehow?

What a breath of fresh air when I read your post DerKaiser.

Did the whingers serioulsy thinking that house prices were going to up indefinately? Did they think that the cheap line of credit would never run out and they could buy up all the useless tat?

People have made their own lives a mess and the best thing they need to do is face up too it and deal with.

And then someone tried to blame the Catholic Church! ILMAO.
Just to include an example:

Carol O'Byrne, a 51-year-old teacher earning €63,000, said she dared not open a pay slip because of the pension levy, and now expected to be down €800 or €900 a month.
"I am now suffering anxiety," she said, adding she would be financially insecure for the rest of her life.
"I will become a criminal rather than pay you any more tax. I will get another job and I will not pay tax.

Checking this out I found a person on €63k per annum will pay €190pm extra in taxes - not €800 or €900!. These are not wonderful people, they are liars and whingers and I really feel for Brian Lenihan for taking unjustified abuse from these people.
Hey DerKaiser, I've a great idea, maybe we could get together and write a book containing all the quotes of the liars and whingers.... something along the lines of 'overheard on a bus in dublin'.... we could call it 'overheard on a radio program'. Feel free to think of a better title. Lols.

Or maybe you could start with a book about people who don't read posts properly...........

live lines?