How to perform credit check / judgement check


New Member

Would anyone know know how to perform a credit check or check for a judgement against myself?
Thanks. No I'm in a situation.

I walked out on a debt some time back and have recently received a gift of money and am thinking about paying the debt back but I want to see if there's much interest stuck onto it
About 2016 or 2017. It was a big enough debt so they might have issued a judgement I'm thinking.
Thanks Raging Bull.
I just tried Stubbs there and they definitely know where I live anyway. It seems like it's for companies moreso than private individuals though?
Yes that was the first I checked thanks. It's a little confusing though as I don't know what the case would be called etc so I searched under my surname and looked at the 31 results and none seemed about me.
It was a jointly owned house repossession. The other party did insolvency afaik so I'm presuming I'm still on the hook for the debt.
So, if you're planning on settling the debt then maybe approach the lender to see what's outstanding?
I'm not sure how to handle it tbh. If there's lots of interest I'm hoping to do a deal on that part anyway. Ideally I'd do a deal on the whole lot but I suppose they might not want that.

Would you have any knowledge on doing deals with "vulture" funds?

The debt is unsecured now as the house was repossessed.
Depending on your circumstances you might want to try what's called a Debt Settlement Arrangement. I did one for a single mother with limited means. I got the Creditor to settle a debt of 110k for €250

But doing this you acknowledge the Debt and it all becomes legally enforceable again
If its been 6 years and you've paid nothing nor acknowledged it in writing the debt is arguably statute barred. You should check Central bank credit report. If its being still reported you have an issue if not then forget about it
Have you tried getting a loan or opening a credit card account recently ? You'd be refused if there was anything showing up on the credit register. Maybe apply for a credit card and see if not.