How to pay your tax online if you didn't get a form - it's very simple

Brendan Burgess

Click on this page on the Revenue website

Change tab to "I have not received a Property Pin"

Enter your PPS number, name, property address

"Our records have returned 48 matches for the address you provided. Please select one of the following."

Click on your exact address (If it's not there, select "Use address provided")
Note that it will provide your Property Registration number on the screen , which you should make a note of for next year.

Complete Property Return

It's very obvious from here on.

Confusingly, at the end you get a screen saying
"Step 1 - A return has already been submitted. If you wish to change this return you must contact the LPT Branch"
As I am completing this on behalf of a relative, I am not sure if someone else has made the return already or if this refers to the return I have just made.
Hi Brendan, I did this earlier this week and it was very straightforward.
Basically in the link you provided, there is a tab on the right titled "I have not received a Property PIN".
Click on this tab.
Enter your PPSN number, name, property address and security code.
You then confirm the address and select how you want to pay.

I updated the post between your replies.

Thanks Ceist - I have incorporated your line. I am glad you found it easy as well.

Time - I don't know.
The reason Burgess probably got the message that a return has already been sumitted is probably because somebody else made a mistake with the property address.

I used the sytem today with no problems. Revenue does not recognise me as our tax returns are done under Mr. Bronte tax number, so I got a message that I do not hav permission to change ownership details and to contact Revenue in Limerick, neverthe less I was able to proceed in the system and complete the return and have confirmation numbers.

All properties we own came up. My guess is they are coming from the NPPR system. As some of my property is subdivided and I'm not going to pay this tax per unit (unlike the NPPR and household charge) I opted for the 'use address provided'

For non residents I put in my ID number here as I don't have a tax number (same story here, MrBronte has the tax number for our returns).

You do not have to be in ROS or have pins or passwords to use the system.

At the end you can print out your confirmation. (Ceist Beag - what security code are you referring to?)


A few people mentioned the money was already taken from their accounts, well if you hit the tab for a credit/debit card a little pop up states it will be taken right away, so I opted for 'single debit authority' and that says it will be taken on 21st July. You could pick any date prior to that, I didn't. That's a bit confusing as I thought I had to pay it by 1st July.
I was able to proceed in the system and complete the return and have confirmation numbers.

Hi Bronte

What is the "confirmation number"?

I paid it for myself and for a relative online. I don't remember getting a confirmation number for either?

A friend has sold her house recently. How does she get confirmation that she paid the LPT?

She made a paper return and signed the Direct Debit. Presumably she will confirmation that after the direct debit goes through?

I printed out the form and it has an 'acknowledgement' number. I said confirmation but it's worded as acknowledgement. the number is running numerically as far as I can work out, some people paid while I was finishing one. Like car number plates.

Not sure if they system will allow you to log in again and print out this document.

Recently I was involved in a house sale for someone elseand had to provide the NPPR confirmation, the solicitor ownly need the scanned copy of the NPPR 'email' so I presume it will be the same for this tax. And ditto for the household charge.

Another interesting point is that the period start date is 1st July and end date is 31st Dec. So the first tax year is that I guess. And that's maybe why it's half payments this year.