How to maximise my pension?


New Member
I am approaching the inevitable and have years short on my Public sector pension. I have AVC's but seem to be max'ing out. I cannot find out what the maximum is. Revenue site is confusing me - says I can pay up to 40% - but AVC provider says I am near max (61,500). I think I will be minus 9 years on pension at 66.
I have some savings, attracting no interest.

How do I maximise my pension from a tax efficient POV. 60 at the end of month.

Thank you! in advance
You can pay up to 40% of your earnings for this year.
You can make a backdated payment for last year to a maximum of 35% of your 2024 earnings.

The most tax efficient method is to make all possible age allowed contributions in order to use up all your marginal earnings subject to 40% income tax rate.

What does the 61500 euro refer to. Is this your current total AVCs ?

You most likely can make AVCs vastly beyond that level.

Read this thread it applies to all Public Sector pensions.
