I am approaching the inevitable and have years short on my Public sector pension. I have AVC's but seem to be max'ing out. I cannot find out what the maximum is. Revenue site is confusing me - says I can pay up to 40% - but AVC provider says I am near max (61,500). I think I will be minus 9 years on pension at 66.
I have some savings, attracting no interest.
How do I maximise my pension from a tax efficient POV. 60 at the end of month.
You can pay up to 40% of your earnings for this year.
You can make a backdated payment for last year to a maximum of 35% of your 2024 earnings.
The most tax efficient method is to make all possible age allowed contributions in order to use up all your marginal earnings subject to 40% income tax rate.
What does the 61500 euro refer to. Is this your current total AVCs ?
You most likely can make AVCs vastly beyond that level.
Read this thread it applies to all Public Sector pensions.
Can these employees make AVCs ? Yes. They can make AVCs based on non pensionable wage payments and to make up for any shortfall if they don't have the full 40 years service at retirement age. They can also make AVCs to fund for the revenue allowed 100% surviving spouses pension. The public...