How to know if man is married or not

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You go sister (picture wobby-headed BBW giving Jerry Springer audience type approval).

Sure at the best of times it can be tricky for things to work out, but if there's a fundamental obstacle from the word go it would be fairly miraculous if it worked out - particularly as he's "playing his own game" as it were, as opposed to the two of ye united against the world.
Married or Separated

Hi! Everyone, found out from a contact of mine who knows people in his social circle that he it is true, he is in a broken relationship but living in the family home - does his own fending for himself completely - very acrimonius relatiohship apparently - and my contact says that it is widely believed he will never do anything about it as its been going on like this for the last 15 years at least. So at least I got my answer! Feel sorry for him in some way, but I know I shouldn't as the lies he has told are amazing. But, on the otherhan, it must be very difficult to live like that, no matter what the financial implicaitons of separating. Thanks again for all your enlightening comments.
Hi! Everyone, found out from a contact of mine who knows people in his social circle that he it is true, he is in a broken relationship but living in the family home - does his own fending for himself completely - very acrimonius relatiohship apparently - and my contact says that it is widely believed he will never do anything about it as its been going on like this for the last 15 years at least. So at least I got my answer! Feel sorry for him in some way, but I know I shouldn't as the lies he has told are amazing. But, on the otherhan, it must be very difficult to live like that, no matter what the financial implicaitons of separating. Thanks again for all your enlightening comments.

Don't waste your time feeling sorry for him Elaine. He's led you down a path of deception and lies - that won't change. If this "acrimonous" relationship was so bad he would have left years ago if he was a decent guy, but sounds like he's chosen to continue to live in the family home and yet play the field.

I'm only speculating here, but based on experience - he continues to live in the family home to exert a level of control over his wife and avoid her moving on; for financial reasons - most decent people would pay whatever it takes to get out of a bad relationship (and he doesn't sound as if he's stuck for cash); his "lies are amazing" and they're only the one's you know about, I could guarantee you there a a lot more lies you don't know about.

Get out of this man's life asap and thank your lucky stars.. and when he comes whinging with the old sob story... pm me !!
Hi elainem - you are so right to be out of this situation. Whatever about his reasons for staying living in the family home with the broken relationship, control, guilt etc... The facts are that this is someone who cant or wont move on in life and to me that spells major D-Y-S-F-U-N-C-T-I-O-N. That, coupled with telling you lies = bad news.

Theres plenty of decent men out there, forget this loser. And always remember - you get what you settle for!

Best of luck.
Why should he fib if he has nothing to hide? Why would he hang around unless he can't let things go? Move on to an easier relationship. You don't need the aggro_Or do you?
I'm only speculating here, but based on experience - he continues to live in the family home to exert a level of control over his wife and avoid her moving on

What a bitter sexist comment
How to know if a man is married or not?

Hi! everyone, thanks again for all the comments. I have definitely decided to move on, don't need the agro as my life is already complex enough. Also, I figure if he can lie so easily and keep up the pretence without even flinching, then he is a practicsed liar and is probably capable of lying about a lot more.
........ I figure if he can lie so easily and keep up the pretence without even flinching, then he is a practicsed liar and is probably capable of lying about a lot more.

That is the crux of it really - you can never trust a liar.
What a bitter sexist comment

As I said in my reply, i was only speculating on why a person would continue to live in the family home in the midst of an acrimonious relationship which has been on-going for several years.

If I were in such a situation, I would want out of the relationship asap, for the sake of my sanity, my children and my future.

Perhaps you can offer a less "bitter" explanation?

I don't see where sexism has to come into the equation - this situation can apply both equally to males or females.
As Elaine has sorted the situation by ending the relationship and 'has moved on' time to close off this thread.
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