Why does it take years?
Why does it take years?
Why Not.....
.Yep that it.
You could just withdraw your money the day it's announced and ryanair to London to open a sterling account.
There is no "Irish Euro", just a euro. The money in your pocket is exactly the same as someone in Berlin. You can't freeze that money unless you plan to close the border, and freeze any account and financial transactions in the country for 12 months.
You better check your euro coins again. irish harp.....in my hand i have 5 cent coin eire 2007 anf a spanish 1 euro coin.
Ordinary Germans have begun to reject euro bank notes with serial numbers from Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal, raising concerns that public support for monetary union may be waning in the eurozone's anchor country."
Only if the mortgage is in Punts too.but it'd be pretty neat to hold a million PUNT bill with NO value.
Germans know what a common currency is and know that the profligacy of the PIGS might cause them a lot of financial and economic pain. Some obviously also realise that if one of the PIGS was order forced to leave the euro or decided to leave in order to devalue their currency - then the Spanish, Italian or other bank notes might not be as valuable as the German banknotes as happened in the US in the 19th century.