How to become very rich

Dear Pogue ,

Compliment of the day and how are you doing over there I hope you are doing very ok if so thanks be to God, I got your mail but I dont really understand you what agence you said you put the money? becuase I dont know them and I never hear of them before and the office is not in this country so I dont know how we are going to locate them, I think you are doing the worst mistake ever you should have informed me first before sending it pls I will only tell you if you can call back the money it will be good even if you want to send it through you can send it through DHL this is the only Courier agency we know here or you can send it through viam money gram I think it will be there. I can not believe you telling me that there is no western union in your city.

Any way I will stop here for now looking forward to read from you as soon as possible have a nice sunday over there.

Yours Marie.


Dear Marie
It seems from you last e-mail that you are upset. I realise that as a woman you will get emotional and irrational sometimes but I want to assure you that everything is fine and you have no need to worry
Maybe you misunderstood me or perhaps I did not explain myself fully so I will tell you again. I went to the bank on Friday and I asked about the Western Union company that you mentioned in your letter. However the man in the bank again began asking me questions. I am afraid that I may have spoken too much about you last week. So I just got the money from my account and left. I did not know which courier company to use so I went to Ballydungmanor agency . I know this company as they are on the same road as my house. They only deliver packages to Ireland and England but the Manager told me that he could guarantee delivery anywhere in the world . I think that he sent the package to the companys office in London and they are going to get another company to deliver it to the Ivory Coast. I do not know which company but It will probably be the DHL company that you said deliver to your country.
So you see that you should not worry and that every thing is fine. Mr Podge told me that it should be delivered to the bank on wednesday morning so if you go and speak to the Manager on wednesday afternoon he will have the money. As I said I have also written a letter for the Bank Manager explaining about the need to prurchase the documents from the Federal court. If the package is not there on wednesday do not be too much concerned however as Mr Podge said it might be thursday.
I hope that your concens have now been answered and know that we will soon be together.

Att to: Mr Pogue Mahone,

Regards to your mail well recieved, but we are shocked from your mail because we are quite sure that we never at any time send to you any addresss that you can send any thing to us through the courier agents and it is not our duty to collect any fund on behalf of your partner Ms Marie Coulibaly rather what we are concerned is these necessary documents needed from the high Court here to enable us effect the transfer of the said fund.

We can only advice you to know how you will get your fund back from the courier agent and send it direct to your partner, because the fund may not reach us to avoid any blame on our side. Once again let it be clear to you that we are not after the fund for the documents but what we are after is the documents from the high Court.

For further clarification towards the aboved mentioned documents, do feel free to contact the Manager International Remittance Department Mr Michel Bubua on +225-06 11 39 99.We works from 7.30 to 17.30hrs
GMT Mondays toFriday and works from 7.30hrs to 12 noon on Saturdays.

Thanks for your co-operations.

Do help us to serve you better.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Catherine Diby.


Dear Ms Diby
I have sent the money to you to be used to purchase the documents at the Federal Court. I don't want to go into detail but it is not safe to send money directly to Ms Coulibaly at the moment.

May I remind you of the large amount of money that I and Ms Coulibaly have in your bank and that we expect you to do us some service. It was you who told me of the cost of the documents and that they are needed before the transfer of funds.

I am most surprised that you are saying that you never send me the address of the bank as this is not true. I have sent the money to the address that you gave me. This is

Banque Du Developpement Agricole
Cote d'Ivoire

The package will be delivered to the Manager of your bank on Wednesday or Thursday morning and I expect you to provide security guard for Ms Coulibaly when she comes to the bank in the afternoon and goes to the Federal court for the documents. If my agency tells me that package was delivered to your bank I will hold you responsible for the safety of the money

Pogue Mahone
You've got to try and find some way of getting this person to send you some money. Even a few Euro.

Tell them the money was returned by the Courier because they can't ship to Ivory Coast. Tell them your bank is willing to ship the full cost of the paperwork etc, but that they need to be certain that it's to a legitimate account, and that it will be possible to get the 4.5 Million out of the Ivory Coast, so ask her to ship you 20 Euro just to prove that the transfer of funds from the Ivory Coast will work.

Tell her you'll of course add the 20 onto the funds you transfer back.

If she questions sending you the 20 euro tell her you're a little worried that she won't trust you with 20 euro, especially after all the running around you've jone for her.

You've got to try and find some way of getting this person to send you some money. Even a few Euro.

not sure how I would manage this as I don't want to give him/her my account details or address or know how I would come up with a believable reason. wondering whether or not the courier company will be able to deliver the package.
Dear Pogue,

Compliment of the week and how is life with you today with the family I hope you all are doing very ok if so thanks be to God, I got your mail and I am very grateful for all your concern and efforts so far for me to have a new life with you over there may God bless you.

After reading your mail this afternoon I called the bank manager to let him know what you have said but the man was very angry he said that there was never a time you told them that you are sending the money for the documents to the bank and that they never give you any address to send the money because if you have told them they must have given you the address they used to recieve any thing from courier or from post he said that they money can not reach them with the address you use so he told me that I should tell you to call the money back from the courier he said that they money will not get to them with the address you use so pls dear Pogue dont make this very difficult for us this is a simple thing pls if you can call the money back I think it will be very good he said he is telling you this before the courier people will decieve you that they send the money to the bank.

Pls dear Pogue do go back to the courier and talk to them they can call the money back so that you will find another way to send it as you can know I am really desperate to be out from here infact it is my wish to be with you to have my Xmas with happiness pls do not delay to talk with the courier people tell them you want them to call the package back.

I will be looking to hear from you as soon as possible and may God bless you for me.

Yours Marie.


Dear Marie

I really do not understand why you are concerned or why the Bank Manager was angry. The address that I send the money to was that address that you gave me for the bank and also the address that they sent when they sent me a mail. so I do not see that there will be any problem. You say that they have a different address for letters but this is ridicolous as I'm sure that people sent many letters to the bank. Why would a Bank Manager be angry because somebody sends money to his bank. I think that you are being silly.

I think that it may be too late to stop the courier company from delivering the money to the bank now and anyway I don't think I should as the sooner we purchase the documents and have the money transferred the better. Again I would ask you to to go to the bank tomorrow afternoon and to get the money from Mr Badua at that time. If I receive information from my agency that it has been deliverred I will let you know.

I know that you are desperate to leave and join me in Ireland but I ask you to be calm as I am sure that everything will be fine.

Best Regards

They are freaking out as that bank does not exist ( I Googled the bank)

What you can do now is say your courier could not find the bank as it was not at the address given to you.

Which opens up a whole world of opportunties. As you obviously need to send the courier back again.

In order for the courier to recognise her she must be holding the following sign and be standing at a particular corner with the sign, to make sure she gets it right she is to send you a picture holding the sign

it could say something like

Podge & Rodge
Ballydung Couriers
Re: Póg Mo Thoin
nah. still ongoing but getting a bit tired of it. novelty has worn off and we're having a few lovers tiffs. may try Fintans idea about the photo with the sign if she agrees.
Dec 6th

Dear Pogue,

Complilment of the day and how is life with you and the family over there I hope that you are very ok, as you asked me to go to the bank this aftertnoon I was at the bank this afternoon untill the closed and no body bring any thing to the manager so I dont know what is happning if you really send the money or what because why I am suprise is that this afternoon the manager asked me from which city you are from and I told him he searched your city to know if there is western union over there and he find out that there are a lot of them there so I am really suprise as you said there is no western union in your city pls if what you are telling me is truth do try to get the money from them ans know how you can send it to me I am really worried over here and the bank manager made me to understand that you only used the bank name with out any address where the bank is located that the courier people can not locate the bank with the right address.

So plsdo your best as you can see that the Xmas is at hand and I wont be happy if I dont go out from here before the celebration get the money from the courier people and send it to me for me to get the documents with out any more delay I will be waiting to read your mail as soon as possible .

Yours Marie


Dec 7

Hi Marie

good to hear from you. I'm sorry if I spoke to you harshly in my last mail but I thought that everything would be fine. However let me say that I find it annoying when you lie about what I said like in your last mail when you say that I told you that there was no western union in my city. I never told you this. I said that I did not know this company and when I asked in the bank they asked me too many questions. it may be that in your country you use such companies more but i asked a friend and he did not know them either. that is why i used the courier company. Please Marie. I ask you to be honest with me in future and I will do the same.

Now let me tell you what I know. I went and asked Mr Podge yesterday and asked him whether the money had been delivered to the bank but he did not know. I went back this morning and he had more information. He said that package had arrived in your country on wednesday evening but that the courier the he used had told the office in London that he could not find the bank. I asked him the name of courier company but he wouldn't give me a proper answer . He said that it wasn't the DHL company that you said. The man from the courier company still has the package in Abidjan but he does not know where to deliver it to. I know that I did not have street the bank in on in my address but I thought that he could find it. Mr Podge said that he will keep the package there for a few days.

Could I ask you Marie to tell me the address of the bank and maybe how to get there. I don't know how well the man from the courier company knows your city. Then when he has delivered the package to the bank I will let you know and you can go back there. There is no need to go and stay there as this may annoy the people in the bank.




Dec 8th

Dear Pogue,

How are you today I hope you are ok there I got your mail and this moring I went to the bank and the bank manager told me that all you are saying is not truth that you did not send any money he said that you should tell him the name of the courier with the address you said that you sent the money so that he will go there himself to pick the package as you said, this thing is really disturbing me I dont know why you choose to make me walking along the street every day because of this little money that worths nothing, be honest with me if you want to help me try to let me know and if you are trying to decieve me pls for the last time do let me know so that I will find another solution to solve my problem I dont blame any one on this situation only the death that killed my father I blame becuase with out it I dont think that I should be asking some one this little money as I told you I want to be out from here before the Xmas so now if what you are saying is true either you send the courier contact information so that the manager will go and pick it or you ask them to return the package to you so that you will send it here in a better way.

I will stop here for now hopning to read from you as soon as possible

Yours Marie

Dec 8
Dear Lovely Pogue,

I want to tell you that i love you and i want to by with you in your country,If you love me and you want me to stay with you, So help me out now.I'm honest with youOK

Lovely marie


Dec 10

Dear Marie

I want you to be in Ireland as soon as possible too. I did not mean to have an arguement with you. I should perhaps have tried more to find the Western Union company but I did not think that it was that important.

I know that the money I sent, £1200 GBP is not much and that we will soon have much more but I want to have it delivered so that you can get the documents. I had a fight with Mr Podge yesterday. He said again that the courier man could not find the bank and I don't know why this is so. I thought that it would be easy for him to find a bank and I do not know if he is telling me the truth. That is why I have to ask you again for the name of the street and how to get to the bank. Or does the bank have another name as well as Banque Du Développement Agricole? I don't think that the courier man will allow someone to go to him. He needs the address of the bank.

Please send me the information as soon as possible as they will send the package back to London if they do not know where to deliver it to?



Dear Ms Diby

I would be most grateful if you could tell me the address of the Banque Du Développement Agricole in Abidjan as I want to have a package delivered.


Pogue Mahone


Dec 11
From Banque Du Développement Agricole
Abidjan Coted'Ivoire

Att to: Mr Pogue Mahone,

We are calling your attention and to let you know that this is a bank, we do
fellow the rules and regulations that governs the banking institution, if you
have any package to deliver do deliver it to your partner, we dont know you as a
client to our bank its only that Ms Marie Coulibaly introduced you as her
partner what ever you want to send do send it to her its none of our business.

Do help us to serve you better.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Catherine Diby.

Dec 11

Dear Ms Diby

I would be grateful if you would let me know the address of your bank in case I need to visit with Ms Coulibally in relation to our account.

Yours Sincerely

Pogue Mahone


Dec 12

From Banque Du Développement Agricole
Abidjan Coted'Ivoire

Att to: Mr Steven Monroe,

Here is the bank's address below as you requeted, now if you are to visit us you
are very much welcome.


Rue Joseph anoma-Plateau

06 bp Abidjan 01

Do help us to serve you better.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Catherine Diby.


Dear Marie

I have some good news. The money should be delivered tomorrow. Could you go to the bank tomorrow afternoon and speak with the Manager. I am hopeful that everything will now be fine and we will soon be together.




Dec 13
Hopefully you are ok over there pls my dear I am geting tired of all these if you want to help me you help if you dont want its not by force what am I going to do at the bank again are you sending the money to them or what? let me tell you if you cant send the money directly to me it means that you dont trust me and I want to tell you that I can never trust some body who does not trust me so if you are sending the money do send it to me directly and I will go for the documents myself.

I wait to read your mail soonest.


Dec 13

Hi Marie

Its not that I don't trust you but you told me that you have enemies and that is why I thought that it would be safer to have it delivered to the bank as they can provide security and they are the ones that need the documents. If anybody else knew about the money in the bank they could be waiting by your house to steal it and that is why I do not think that it is safe.

Anyway the bank gave me their address. I told Mr Podge to make sure that it is given to the courier man. If he has the street name he has no excuse for saying that he can not find the bank. If you go there this afternoon the money should be there. If I hear from Mr Podge that it has been delivered I will let you know.

