How to become very rich



I received an e-mail two weeks ago and decided to respond. Heres how its going so far.

My dear
I know my message will come to you as a surprise. My name is I am Miss MARIE COULIBALY the only daughter of late Alhaji Musa Coulibaly . My father and mother were very wealthy farmers and cocoa merchant when they were both alive After the death of my father,long ago, my mother was controling his business untill she was poisoned by her business associates which she surffered and died .
she secretly called me on her bed side and disclosed to me about the sum of four million five hundred US dollars thousand . USD ($4.5million ) I want to invest in your country with a very honest person and again in a very profitable venture. And you being in a business line and for your country been so peaceful I think you are in a good position to assist me. Time is not on my side, I will appreciate if you can get intouch with me as soon as you receive this letter so that I can give you
more information about my proposal. Thanks and God bless,I’m looking
forward to hear from you.regards
Please relpy though mail mariecou****


Hi Marie

Thanks very much for your e-mail . I would like very nuch to hear more of your proposal. Are you living in Ireland now .maybe we could meet

Fondest Regards



Dear Pogue,

Compliment of the day with you and your family I thank God for helping to be alive today, I deligently seeking your assistance in order to transfer this money out from here and start a new life over there with you, in order to finish my education to the level I wanted.

Introduction of myself,I am Miss Marie Coulibaly from Cote d' Ivoire west Africa,20 ,years of age I lost my daddy earlier when I was little and my beloved mother refused to take another husband because she care for me so much. I really thank God that I have come of a little age before my mother died if not what will I do,though the bank had an agreement between my late Daddy that the money will not be transfered by my instruction if I am not upto 25 years or my foreign partner,should be in case if anything happens to him which I am happy that you are above the age rated.

Furthermore, I am now residing far away from our resident because of my late father's relatives, they want to deal with me at all cost but my God will not allow them to see me till this money and myself is out from this country to where I'll be taken as I am. Please, on my contact, I know that what I am asking from you may be too much,but please you have to help me out in all way round to enable me start off a new life, I don't know much about financial area's, or investments, I have not transfer money before small or this huge amount, but with your knowledge and the documents that covers this deposit which I have been with at the bank for confirmation that I want the money to be transfered as soon as I am ready as soon as I read from you I will send to you the bank contact information for you to be in contact with them and discuss how the money will be transfered over there.

Finally,I wish to stop here,hoping that I have clearify you on this transaction the way you will understnd why I contacted you for an assistance. I pray that God will be with us bye and hoping to read from you soon .



Dear Marie

I am very sorry to hear of all your have had from what you said a hard life . I will try to do what you want to help you get a better life . If you need to move money I can help you and keep the money until you get here safe to start new life and have good education. this is a lovely country and i think that you will like it very much. hope to hear from you soon

fondest regards


Dear Pogue,,

How are you today I hope you are very ok I thank you for your mail, this morning I have gone to the bank and inform them about you I told them that you are a partner to me that you will be contacting them concerning this money I am giving you the contact of the bank for you to be in contact with them infact I want this money to be out from here as soon as possible because the up coming elections is fast approaching and I don't want anything to happen to me or the money. So, please try as much as possible to get in contact with the bank as I told you in my last mail I dont know any thing about transaction of this kind so this is why I want you to contact the bank here and discuss with them on how the money is going to be transfered .

Again I want you to promise me that you will not betray me after the money is being transfered into your bank account because this money is all I have in life. Below is the contact of the bank. Please do everything possible to get in touch with the bank as soon as you recieve this mail. I will be waiting to hear from you soon. and pls I want you to send to me your full information like your full name and address.

Here is the bank contact informations,

Banque Du Developpement Agricole Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire
Tele +22506113999
Fax +22521279727
Email :bda*** or bda***
or alternative Email bdd***
Contact person: Remittance manager Mr.Michel Buaba.

Pls do try to contact the bank so that you will discuss with them. I am expecting to hear from you as soon as this mail gets to you in good health and may God be with us.

Yours Marie.

hi marie
I understand the instructions that you have left me and will contact the bank on your behalf. I promise you that you can trust me and i will look after your best interests. My address in Ireland is

Pogue Mahone
22 Langers Road

I have a spare room in my house so if you want to stay with me after the money is transferreed that is fine. I am hoping that we will speak soon. could you send me a pictures as to what you look like. I have been searcing a long time for a good woman and maybe you are the one.

fondest regards



Attention: Remittance manager

Dear Mr Buaba.

I am the partner of Ms Marie Couliy. She has asked me to contact you in relation to the transfer of some funds that you are holding on her behalf to Ireland. Please advise me tha the transfer can proceed as soon as possible.


Pogue Mahone


Dear Pogue,

Comipliment of the weekend and how are you doing over there with your family I hope every body is well ok I am very happy to read your mail have you already been in contact with the bank? pls I want you to follow this up with out any delay as you can see that the xmas is at hank it is my very wish to be out from here before then pls as soon as you get in contact with the bank do let me .

I am send to you my pic as you requested and I will like you also to send me your pic I heard what you said any way that one is not a problem now but the problem is for this money to be out from here so that I will come over to you there if God says that we are to marry I think we cant stop it.

I stop here for now looking forward to read from you as soon as possible pls if you have not been in contact with the bank pls do try to contact them.

Yours Marie.


Dear Marie

I hope that you are well. I have contacted the bank as you requested and will let you know if they contact me back. As I said before you trust me to arrange this for you and with your best interests at heart. When do you think that you might be able to travel to Ireland so that we can meet.




From the desk of international remittance department
Banque du developpement agricole CI

Att: Mr Pogue Mahone,

We recieved your mail and the contents were noted, Miss Marie Coulibaly was in
our office last week, introduced you as her foreign partner.We did not know if
your local partner do inform you about the agreement that the bank had with her
late father which stated that unless Miss Marie Coulibaly is 25 years old or
have a partner who is above 25 years before she can be able to transfer this
fund out . We need your identity for verification. we are also requesting for
your full informations,account details towards the transfering of this said fund
which has been deposited in our bank by her Late father Alhaji Musa Coulibaly
USD ($4.5million ) into your designated bank account.

The information needed is as follows - :

(1) Your full name, address
(2) Your bank swift code
(3) Your bank name , address, account number,

For further clearification ,feel free to contact the Manager International
Remittance Department Mr Michel Bubua on + 225-06113999.We work from 7:30 to
17:30hrs GMT from mondays to friday and from 7:30hrs to 12 noon on saturdays.
Thanks for your co-operation.

Best regards,

Mrs catherine Diby.


Dear Pogue,

Compliment of the week and how are you doing over there today with your family I hope every thing is very ok with you all if so thanks be to God, I am very happy that you have already been in contact with the bank here but have you hear any news from then? pls do let me know if you never pls try to call them you knows that they are always busy pls do hurry them up for them to transfer this money and let me get out from here pls I am very worried as the xmas is at hand I want to be out from here before the xmas.

I will stop here for now hopning to read from you as soon as possible and I wish you a nice day over there.

Yours Marie


Attn Ms Catherine Diby

Dear Ms Diby

I wish to verify that I Pogue Mahone am the partner of Miss Marie Coulibaly and hereby provide the following information which your requested for verification. Please note that Miss Coulibaly wishes the funds to be transferred as quickly as possible.

Pogue Mahone
22 Langers Road

My bank details are as follows

Douglas Road

Account Number xxxx xxxx
Sort Code xx xx xx


Pogue Mahone

I replied to one such scum bag with the name : Ura Peder (Peder being Croatian for same sex oriented!).

This could be a fun serial!
Could those with similar stories to madisona please consider separate threads. I want to follow this one!!.

Well done madisona, looking forward to the next instalment.....
Thanks for the links. church of the painted breast is class. any suggestions on how to proceed would be welcome
Banque Du Développement Agricole
Abidjan Coted'Ivoire

Att to: Mr Pogue Mahone,

In respect to the receipt of your mail and your account information’s,we hereby
inform you that these in formations have directed our banque to effect transfer
of this sum (US$4.500,000.00) Four Million Five hundred thousand US Dollar
only) deposited by Alhaji Musa Coulibaly (Late) into your designated bank
account. To this effect, this banque in accordance towards transferring of this
fund to your designated bank account, required some legal documents from the
Federal High Court here in Abidjan Cote d Ivoire signed by the Chief Justice of
the Federation.

The documents are as follows.

1) Affidavit of change of ownership )
2) Court Clearance Certificate (C.C.C)
3) An authorisation letter(from the legal department here in the bank)
4) Death Certificate of the late Alhaji Musa Coulibaly (the original depositor).

Note: That since Miss Marie Coulibaly is not the original signatory to the
deposited funds,rather her late father, Alhaji Musa Coulibaly .This banque are
requesting you and your local partner to provide the above listed legal
documents from the Federal High Court here in Abidjan Cote d Ivoire to enable us
act accordingly to the instructions given in the documents to effect the
transfer of this sum (US$4,500,000.00 ) into your account designated.

For further clarification towards the aboved mentioned documents, do feel free
to contact the Manager International Remittance Department Mr Michel Bubua on
+225-06 11 39 99.We works from 7.30 to 17.30hrs
GMT Mondays to Friday and works from 7.30hrs to 12 noon on Saturdays.

Thanks for your co-operations.
Do help us to serve you better.
Yours faithfully
Mrs Catherine Diby.


Dearest Marie

I have received a reply from the bank and everything seems to be going to plan. They have accepted me as your partner and agreed to transfer the money to my bank account. However they have requested some additional documents before the transfer can proceed. They say that this is because it was your father who was the original signatory of the deposited funds.

Could you please contact the Federal High Court as soon as possible and ask them to provide you with the following documents.

1) Affidavit of change of ownership )
2) Court Clearance Certificate (C.C.C)
3) An authorisation letter(from the legal department in the Banque Du Développement Agricole)
4) Death Certificate of the late Alhaji Musa Coulibaly (the original depositor).

Once you obtain these documents could you contact Ms Catherine Diby at the bank who is handling the transfer of the money for us. I hope that we can be together soon

with love


The next email you will receive will be to say that the documents will cost some money and can you forward her the money
The next email you will receive will be to say that the documents will cost some money and can you forward her the money

Typically thats it. Perhaps for a laugh madisona should reply saying that he can supply the documents but the bank requires a fee of €200 to process this so if Marie/Catherine could send that on asap he'll get on it straight away!
The next email you will receive will be to say that the documents will cost some money and can you forward her the money

you were right. tried to preemp the request but got it anyway.
Dear Pogue,

How are you today over there I hope you are doing very ok with your family I thank you for your mail I saw the papers or documents you said that the bank asked us to bring from here I will be going to the bank this morning to know how and where I will get these documents though I dont know about the documents I only have the death certificate of my father but I believe that there will be no problem in geting the documents as soon as I come back from the bank I will get back to you and tell you how I went.and pls start now to look for a good school for me because this is the first thing I have to continue as soon as I come over there and know that as soon as the bank do the transfer you will send me some money from the money for me to get my travelling papers.

I will stop here for now hopning to get back to you later in the day and I wish you a nice day over there and may God continue to be with you.

Yours Marie.


Dearest Marie

great to hear from you again. According to the bank the documents can be obtained from the Federal Court and that they will probably charge you a small fee.I went to my bank, the Permanent TSB in Douglas, Cork earlier today and spoke Mr Mickey Marbh the Assistant Manager to enguire about the possibility of transferring some funds to another account in Ivory Coast. There is however a problem in that I am required to give 30 days notice before I can withdraw funds from my deposit account and he also said that transferring funds to an account in the Ivory Coast could be complicated. He also asked me a lot of questions about why I wanted to transfer the money but I told him that it was none of his business. I don't think we should be telling other people our business.

I would therefore ask you to withdraw the amount that you require from your account in the Ivory Coast before transferring the balance to Ireland. The same documents that will allow them to transfer the money to my account in Ireland should also be sufficient to allow you to withdraw a reasonable amount of the money for your short term expenses.

I have also made some enquiries about the possibility of you continuing your education here. In think it may be best to take an intensive english language course before proceeding to higher education and have provisionally booked you a place in the Peig Sayers College of English Language Training. It is a six month course beginning in January and I have paid paid the booking deposit from my own funds. They have a very good reputation so you should get on well there.

your loving



Dear Pogue ,

Once again compliment of the day and how you doing over there with your family I hope every thing is ok with you all if so thanks be to God,

I came back from the high court since 10 am this morning but I feel afraid and ashamed to let you know my out come but I have to tell you because no body else I can go to.

Actually, like I told you in my email that I will be going to the court I came back from the court with the attorney of the bank, who was assigned to me by the bank manager, here is my outcome from the court concerning the getting of these documents needed by the bank before the transfer will be carried out according to the bank manager ,When we got to the high court this morning we met the court registrant concerning the documents that make us to be there. On his response, he gives us a form to fill, on that form,

Affidavit/change of ownership cost with the court clearance certificate cost amounted to (£2,150 pounds) as the bank manager said that this is the exchange rate here.And he assured me that as soon as we submit these documents to the bank they will transfer the money. and the only money that is remaning with me which I am useing to manage myself is £1000 pounds as I check it so pls I am pleading on you to help me out with the balance so that we can get these documents.

I am pleading on your assistance in order to enable us get these documents and submit it to the bank for them to transfer this money into your account. Among all the documents the bank required from us, I have Death certificate of my late father which I have already sent to them.

However I never have in mind that this expense will raise at this stage, you really know my situation concerning what I am going through here with my late father's relatives who have almost collected all my late father belongings. And as you know right now, that I don't have any other person in mind to go to if not you people, and that's why I seek your assistance so that we'll achieve this transfer as soon as possible.

The bank further explain why those documents are necessary, especially the affidavit/Change of ownership, because we are not the original depositor or signatory to the money deposited in their bank.
Finally, I wish to read from you as soon as you receive this mail and may God bless you for me.

Wishing you nice day and bye for now.

Thanks and God be with us.

Yours Marie.
Compliments of the day Madisona - I'm really enjoying this... keep up the good work!
maybe sugest that she get a soliciotor there to write a letetr from her to bank allowing them to take the costs from the money.
or sugest that these fees are very dear compared to ireland and that if she uses the 1000 that she has , to come to ireland the paper work can be done here for a nominal amount.
or even sugest that much of the paper work can be done here through the very reputable Gob****,Gob****e and Fleeser Solicitors for 1500, so if she sends you the 1000 that she has you will put the other 500 to it and get the job done her, for this you will also need a photo of her doing something totally stupid( nappy opr simiular)
Dearest Marie

I have just now got your new e-mail. I am suprised that the documents are that expensive. Are you sure that they are giving you the right cost. maybe they are trying to take advantage of you.I would ask you to go and ask someone else at the high court tomorrow in case that is so.

I would ask you not to give up and keep hopeful. I look forward to the time that we will be together in Ireland.

your loving



Dear Pogue,

Compliment of the day and how is life with you and the family over there I hope every thing is ok with you all if so thanks be to God, I got your mail and I am very glad for all your efforts and concern towards my new life may God bless you.

Infact as they told me why the documents cost like this is because of the amount that is involved as you know its a big money no body can cheat us I went to the court with the bank attoney and they showed us every thing so dont worry they can not cheat us.

About schooling I am happy that you have already find a plce that I will start as soon as I come over there my education is very important to me I dont want to joke with it and also I dont know the type of invested you have in mind where you are to invest this money I will like to know because I dont want this money to be in the bank again with out any interest as it has been here so pls I want as soon as the money is transfered you invest it with out any delay.

I like your faith and I know that is God that lead me to you pls if you can send the money today I will be very happy so that we can get these documents today or tomorrow the bank manager assued me that as soon as we get the documents that they will do the transfer and he told me that there is not going to be any problem in transfering the money over to Ireland as I told him, pls I want to be with you there and celebrate this xmas in a happy way and its good to dont tell any one about this money as you have said because people are bad I here no one knows about my plans to get out from this country and no body will know untill this money is out and I come over to you there.

I will be waiting to read your mail as soon as possible pls hasten up time is not on our side I wish you a nice day over there and hopeing to see you in your country very soon and may God be with us.

Yours Marie

Attn Mrs Catherine Diby

I would be most grateful if you could confirm for me the cost of the following documents which you require in order to allow the transfer of funds to my account.

1) Affidavit of change of ownership )
2) Court Clearance Certificate (C.C.C)
3) An authorisation letter(from the legal department in the bank)


Pogue Mahone

Dearest Marie

I would ask you once again not to give up hope and stay brave and strong as we will soon be together. The reason I was asking about cost was not that I would doubt you but that I had asked a Manager in my bank about the cost of documents to transfer money and he told me that they would not cost that much. Is there any way that the paper could be provided in Ireland as it would be much cheaper.

Like for you, my faith is very important and I prayed today to the prophet Paul Hewson who is close friend of the almighty God to help us find what we are looking for.

I know that we have problems at the moment but could you send me some more pictures of you and somemore details about what you like . do you like music or to see movies. what do you think our life here together will be like.

I like you have thought about the best way to invest the money and think that we should use money to buy houses . In my country this is the best way to make lots of extra money.

Could you also send me the account details of where I can send you money if I need to. I can now get to funds in my deposit account although I had to pay a fine, but this is unimportant as we will soon have more than enough for our new life together.

with love


From Banque Du Développement Agricole
Abidjan Coted'Ivoire

Att to: Mr Pogue Mahone,

Regards to your mail well recieved, we understood that you want to find out the cost of these necessary documents from the high court here that is needed before the transfer will be carried out, according to our bank attoney that went with your partner to the high this week he comfirmed that due to the huge amount that is involved to be transfered these two documents below is going to cost you Two thounsand One hundred and Fifty Pounds (£2,150).

1) Affidavit of Change of Ownership.

2) Court Clearance Certificate( C.C.C ).

We are to inform you that the Authorisation Letter from our Legal Dept here is going to be approved with out any charge so it is these two documents you need to pay for, we await for these documents as soon as you and your partner obtain them from the high court here we will effect the transfer of the fund to your

For further clarification towards the aboved mentioned documents, do feel free to contact the Manager International Remittance Department Mr Michel Bubua on +225-06 11 39 99.We works from 7.30 to 17.30hrs GMT Mondays to Friday and works from 7.30hrs to 12 noon on Saturdays.

Thanks for your co-operations.

Do help us to serve you better.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Catherine Diby.


Dear Pogue,

Compliment of the day and how is life with you and the family I hope every thing is quite alright with you all if so thanks be to God. I am very glad to read your mail and as you asked they bank said that we must get these documents from the high court here and not from your country because one I myself is the one to take an oath and that it is from this country that the money is going to be transfered to yours over there so it is here we are to get the documents.

Ok talking about business as I told you before I no nothing about business I only suggested but its you that knows the best thing to invest in your country any way as soon I come over we will talk about this.about things I like it seems you know I love music very well and love to watch tele programmes and I like going to the zoo and other things you will know when I come over there I am sending to you another pic infact I dont have good pics as of now and where I am I dont want to take any pic here cos I dont trust any one here I dont want any body to use my pic for any bad thing.and I will like to see your own pic also.

On how you are to send the money if you want to send it I tried to find out from the manager and said that you should send the money through my name that as soon as you send it and give me the information that I should come and meet the attorney so that we will go and collect the money and go to the high court for the documents so he said that I should give you my name and adress for you to send the money through western money transfer union so that it wont take time for me to get it and we will go for the documents he said that what they are after is the document.

This the name you will use to send it.

Name : Marie Coulibaly.

Addres :122 bp Abj 201

City : Abidjan

Country : Cote d' Ivoire,

So as soon as you send the money do write me with the information to get the money I will be waiting to hear from you as soon as possible and may God bless you and I only promise to be a good girl to you as soon as I come over to you there.




Dearest Marie

Thank you for the photo. you look very lovely. I know that we will be happy together. I think that everything is going well. I went to my bank yesterday and withdrew £1200 GBP. However I could not find Western Union in my town so I have sent in by courier instead. The name of the agency is Ballydungmanor Couriers and the Manager Mr Podge told me that it will be sent via London to the Ivory Coast and that it should be delivered on Wednesday or Thursday next week . However I thought that it might not be safe to sent it directly to you as you have told me you have many enemies and we don't want it to get to the wrong people. Instead it will be delivered directly to the bank. I told Mr Podge to make sure it is delivered to

The Manager
Banque Du Développement Agricole

I have also written him a letter and sent it with the money outlining the situation and that the money is for you and is to be used to purchase the documents needed for us to transfer the money. I ask you to go to the bank next Wednesday and to speak with him. I am sure he will arrange some security when you go to the Federal Court to collect the documents.

Hope to see you soon.



Attn Ms Diby

Thank you for that information. I have now sent the necessary funds for the transfer by courier to the bank. I would ask you to speak to you Manager Mr Bubua as the letter will be deliver to him, care of the Remittance Department. I have asked Ms Coulibaly to call in to the bank next wednesday and would be most thankful if you would do me the honour of taking my partner to Federal Court to obtain most required documents.

Compliments of the day to you and your family



Genius! Looking forward to how this develops!