How much extra are you spending on petrol?

Not sure about the radio, but defo the aircon is one to turn off. Really though the savings are in driving style, not doing hard acceleration & braking etc.
Someone doing 100KPH on motorway though while economical is very annoying for richer motorists who dont care about petrol costs :D

If you go through the winter with the Air con set to off or economy and then expect it to work in the summer, you might be in for a surprise.

Apparently the coolant in the air con also lubricates the pipes and if it is not left on for a long period the pipes will dry and crack, costing much more than several tanks of petrol.
If you go through the winter with the Air con set to off or economy and then expect it to work in the summer, you might be in for a surprise.

Apparently the coolant in the air con also lubricates the pipes and if it is not left on for a long period the pipes will dry and crack, costing much more than several tanks of petrol.

True, and in modern cars the effect of having the AC on in terms of consumption isn't that great. According to the consumption display in my car it has no effect at all.
A couple of other points, don’t drive around with unnecessary things in your boot, they all add to more weight that you are starting and stopping.
Every time you touch your brakes it is wasted energy that you have put into the car or have to make up again, I see lots of people touching their brakes on corners when they should have judged the speed before approaching the corner. Put the car in to neutral at traffic lights, don’t ride the clutch.