If you need 100% finance, the max possible will be approx. €260k.
For the main part 100% finance is almost a thing of the past unless you are a civil servant or professional (solicitor/accountant/dentist etc) or earn in excess of €75k per annum. There are a few lenders who will consider other applicants but it is more difficult. All lenders will stick rigidly to credit policy in underwriting 100% loans so borrowing amounts can't be stretched or inflated greatly.
If you were inputting 5-8% of the purchase price, the lenders can be a bit more flexible. Potential room rental, or opting for a fixed rate can often increase borrowing potential. An approx figure of €300k should be possible on a 92-95% mortgage.
It has to be said that each case can be viewed on its own merits, and depending on the lender or even individual underwriters amounts can vary wildly.