How Many Private House Occupants faked 3rd Level Grants Applications?


Registered User
1.We have a current discussion point on this forum regarding 57% of Local Authority Tenancies being in rent arrears. So hands up how many Private House Occupants have faked or manipulated information in their application to qualify for 3rd Level Grants? I bet it's more than 57%.

2. How many Private House Occupants received 3rd Level Grants and failed to complete the course?

3. How many Private House Occupants faked their address to maximise the 3rd Level Grant?

While we're at it how many Private House Occupants faked their Illness Benefit Claims? Again I believe it's more than 57%.

How many Private House Occupants give false information in their Income Tax Returns?

1.We have a current discussion point on this forum regarding 57% of Local Authority Tenancies being in rent arrears. So hands up how many Private House Occupants have faked or manipulated information in their application to qualify for 3rd Level Grants? I bet it's more than 57%.

2. How many Private House Occupants received 3rd Level Grants and failed to complete the course?

3. How many Private House Occupants faked their address to maximise the 3rd Level Grant?

While we're at it how many Private House Occupants faked their Illness Benefit Claims? Again I believe it's more than 57%.

How many Private House Occupants give false information in their Income Tax Returns?

Should we answer individually or have a vague conversation about it.
In my case the answer to the above is never, never, never and never. In that order.

I don't have a 3rd level qualification and my kids aren't at that stage yet. I've never claimed illness benefit and I'm a PAYE employee so my tax return is very basic.

Do you intend asking those same questions of Social Housing occupants?
I have three third level qualifications, failed to finish a fourth but never got a cent in grants on any. Never faked my address, though I have used two addresses due to being priced out of the Dublin housing market years ago. Have never claimed any social welfare payment, ever. Have never cheated on a tax return.
I suspect you'll actually find that there are more people who neglect to fill out their MED 1 forms than there are who overclaim. I know I neglected to fill it out for about 5 years after we first moved here. I know I've read a number of articles over the years of how many people don't claim back everything they are entitled to.
I suspect you'll actually find that there are more people who neglect to fill out their MED 1 forms than there are who overclaim.

Not just me, so :(. I have repeated failed to claim back much of what I am entitled to through procrastination and distraction.

As for the OP's assertion .. my wife and I own our family home and I have never falsified information. If anything I overpay my LPT through being too conscientious in the original valuation. I paid all, bar the last one, of the Water Charges returns.

This attitude that the system is there to be gamed and only a mug pays their full contribution is a cancer in Irish society.
I am a bit surprised at the tone of the OP's post. I would have assumed (perhaps naively)that the vast majority of people are honest.

1. Third level Grants. Yes, I had one (as a mature student) honestly and correctly applied for. Completed the course with distinction. I was so happy with the outcome that I spent many years helping others (voluntarily) achieve their goals. I believe it was Government money well spent.
2. Not me
3. Not me
4. Only had Illness Benefit once. In hospital having surgery and recovering for 3 weeks
5. I wouldn't dare put false info on a tax form
1.We have a current discussion point on this forum regarding 57% of Local Authority Tenancies being in rent arrears. So hands up how many Private House Occupants have faked or manipulated information in their application to qualify for 3rd Level Grants? I bet it's more than 57%.

2. How many Private House Occupants received 3rd Level Grants and failed to complete the course?

3. How many Private House Occupants faked their address to maximise the 3rd Level Grant?

While we're at it how many Private House Occupants faked their Illness Benefit Claims? Again I believe it's more than 57%.

How many Private House Occupants give false information in their Income Tax Returns?

everybody on askaboutmoney is 100% honest.;)
This attitude that the system is there to be gamed and only a mug pays their full contribution is a cancer in Irish society.
Well said. We are far too lax in calling out criminality and fraud amongst those around us.
Not just me, so :(. I have repeated failed to claim back much of what I am entitled to through procrastination and distraction.

It would be interesting to know how the entitled amount of tax refunds not claimed compares to the amount fraudulently claimed.