How many forum members...

and 1 to point out how to change the lightbulb using Google (this memeber may or may not be Clubman)

.. and 1 to post "there are already other threads on this subject here, here and here. Please refer to Posting Guideline X "
- can anyone recommend a lightbulb installer near where I live and how much to they cost? ('cause I couldn't be arsed googling or gettin' the golden pages_

- What's this thread got to do with X-factor by the way?
Oh, oh, I’ve an amusing story to share with the class (and no; I haven’t been drinking).
While waiting for an outpatient appointment one morning a few months back in St. James’s hospital I was roused from my newspaper (or book; I can’t remember) when the lights went out followed by all power. The nurses and receptionists were delighted as they speculated that they may be able to go home for the day when a caretaker/ maintenance man walked in with a box of tools. One of the nurses ventured to ask him what they should do (as if he was the authority who would send them home) to which he replied; “I dunno but for Jasus sake don’t anyone chance any light bulbs or the whole place will be out on strike!”
1 lightbulb consultant to argue that free light bulbs are not for everyone and that in some cases it is worth paying for light bulbs and then declare that they run a business that sells light bulbs.
The stories of waste and incompetence I could tell about the Public Sector, they would give Complainer a nervous breakdown
I'm on his ignore list now so if you are concerned about his health you can PM the details to me and I will post them for you. (then you can quote my post and he will see it antway )
I'm on his ignore list now so if you are concerned about his health you can PM the details to me and I will post them for you. (then you can quote my post and he will see it antway )

Would that not be breaking forum rules? I would be drumming up business for your wife!

When I was a student I was in on work experience in one of our semi states. During my time there the hour changed and on Monday morning when I got into work I noticed that the clock in the office was one hour out. So being a helpful chap and before the rest of the staff arrived I got up on a chair and was moving the hands on the clock when one of the permanent workers arrived. He saw what I was doing and let a scream out of him and ran over, knocking me to the ground. "For J**** sake," he said. "Do you want a f*****g strike!" he roared at me.
By the way it took nearly two weeks for a chap with a ladder to show up and change the clock to the correct time.