How long before Richard Bruton is leader of FG?

What about the merchant prince of the south Mr. Coveney?

He always struck me as presentable/progressive - is he a heavy hitter?

I'm inclined to vote FG just for the sake of getting a change from FF and allowing "proper democracy" (not that FF staged a coup or anything but you know what I mean ... dont get pedantic on this one :)).

The opposition have already been taunted that they have practically no experience. If we dont get them in soon they will have ABSOLUTELY no experience, that cannot be good for the country.

I’m inclined to agree with you but a vote for FG is a vote for Democratic Left (oh, sorry; the call themselves the Labour Party now...;))
Alan Shatter is yer only man ... !

He’s a good guy but if he was leader all the anti-Israeli pseudo liberal morons would vote against him because he’s Jewish (and supports the only proper democracy in the Middle East).
Even though I still laugh every time he talks due to the gift grub sketches, one politician that has impressed me this week was Michael Noonan. He was calm, articulate and made some very good points on the medical card issue. Still can't believe that Enda Kenny has not managed to land one serious punch on Brian Cowan this week.
one politician that has impressed me this week was Michael Noonan.

Yeah, they stuck him in the drivers seat just before the bus hit the wall. Poor fella, he never had a chance.

Methinks there's an unfortunate absence of "rotweilers" in FG. Now its not my personal style, but you do need a b*****ks on your team every so often to land a few dirty punches and to face down the bully boys on the opposition. Too many delightful chaps in FG
one politician that has impressed me this week was Michael Noonan. He was calm, articulate and made some very good points on the medical card issue. Still can't believe that Enda Kenny has not managed to land one serious punch on Brian Cowan this week.

Noonan was quite impressive on Prime Time during the week. He knew he didn't have much to do just keep saything that it was wrong. He showed a different side to him in the last few days that wasn't evident during that ill fated general election of 2002.

It really is an indictment of our opposition that if we had a general election on Monday there is no guarantee that they would take power.
Inda rarely impresses on the telly, but by all accounts, he has done wonders for the internal FG organisation, which paid off in their last election performance. Bruton is certainly a smart guy, but I'm not sure that he's leader material. Please lord, protect us from Leo-send-them-all-back-home-except-my-Dad-Verodakar.
Agree that Alan Shatter is the best of a bad lot for Fine Gael but it will be interesting to see how they will do in a weekend poll coming. If Kenny has not made any significant gains on foot of the medical card catastrophe, then he should bail out for good. I think Eamonn Gilmore is the one who has come out best since the Budget — despite the fact that he looks like a bloody bank manager!
Michael Ring was everything I though we had dispensed with in politics. He's a good funeral man though!
I'm wondering given today's poll and fine gael's improvement in the context of Enda's decline, - is there greater pressure on Enda to step aside.
IMO, Richard Bruton is one of the most astute individuals in the dail at the moment and probably the best equipped to get us out of this mess.