How do you find out what corporate plans are being marketed at present?


hia said:
Corporate plans are plans created by insurers that are marketed to large organisations.

You are entitled to these plans regardless of whether or not you are a member of the group to whom it is being marketed. In some cases, these plans may offer better value than those plans marketed towards individuals.

An insurer cannot refuse to sell you any plan you request.

Corporate plans are sometimes confused with the group discount, which is a discretionary discount of up to 10%, which an insurer may give to a group of persons.

In the past we were advised to ask the agent for the corporate plan equivalent to your current or proposed plan.

But when I asked this question recently the agent launched into a well rehearsed patter about how "Charlie Weston has a lot to answer for etc etc". I never found out what corporate plans are available.

How should I raise the subject with the call centre agent?