How do I learn to drive



I want to and need to drive but I have no friends or family available or willing to sit in the car with me. I had a few lessons abt 10 yrs ago and had the same problem. I wasn't confident to go solo. I live in Dublin.
Now its law. What do I do?
Obviously I know that is the route to take, but I will need practice between lessons and test. How do I do that ??? Is their any driving schools in Ireland like the traffic schools in the movies.......
but I have no friends or family available or willing to sit in the car with me.

You really can't go solo anymore. The law has been changed to the extent that a learner driver must be accompanied by a person that has a full licence. You must be able to find somebody ? Anyway what's the rush ?
Not sure what movies you've been watchin.There is lots of driving schools in Dublin which give lessons, I remember there was apalce on dorset street - a google search should get you some numbers.I would think its not cheap.
If you're not from Dublin origionally then you might consider taking test from where ever you grew up- possibly less traffic and potential hazards..but then get a lesson or two there so you are familiar with possible routes etc..
Obviously I know that is the route to take, but I will need practice between lessons and test. How do I do that ??? Is their any driving schools in Ireland like the traffic schools in the movies.......

I had a friend in the same boat - neither parent drove, no relations nearby, no friends who werent learners themselves.
He took a lesson a week for 6 months and then took his test. He passed first time and after the test he drove home - it was his first time alone in the car. The only practice he had were the lessons he paid for.
He said the test was the same as a lesson in his mind, someone 'official' in the passenger seat telling him where to go.
He had no bad habits formed at all by the time of the test either.
Obviously I know that is the route to take, but I will need practice between lessons and test. How do I do that ??? Is their any driving schools in Ireland like the traffic schools in the movies.......
If you live in the Wicklow area you should have a look at this thread over on boards or maybe the poster could put you in touch with someone in a similar situation in your area.
The only practice he had were the lessons he paid for. He had no bad habits formed at all by the time of the test either.
That's what I did too. There is no need for practice outside of lessons to pass the test. Passing the test will means that one has attained at least the minimum level of competence required to drive on our roads. Practice and improve thereafter.
With respect, I think it is very hard and very expensive to get through your test with lessons only and no other practice. I tried it and it didnt work. Then I got my own car, did more lessons and lots of practice and it did work. Just my opinion.
I used a guy called mike from dragondriver. He has his own website and was very good. I also got a CD from Easons but I can tell you one thing for nothing. I CAN drive and have been for the past year. DO NOT DO IT IN TALLAGHT, it is impossible there. They failed me twice when I freaking know I passed it. I done a pre-test with an ADI instructor just before the test and only got one grade 2. When doing the test I got 5 which is a fail on the nose. They dont care if you can drive or not, most of the time you will fail before you even get into the car. Its a completly unfair test, its his word against yours all the time. I was failed on observation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ask you!! turning left and turning right. NONE of the CD's tell you this, NONE of the ADI instructors tell you this. Instead you are concentrating on actually driving and not cutting corners, round about execution, hill start, turnabout, pulling away from the kerb, reverse around the corner. EVERY ONE OF THESE was done correctly and he failed me on observation. Each time I turned the car I used MSM (Mirror Signal Manouver), I went up to the imaginary line before turning the car. I was even beckoned by someone to turn and correctly ignored it. I answered all the questions correct, used my gears right and he blantantly failed me, twice on lie that I was not observing, Knowingly that I was very much able bodied and evident I had studied and done professional lessons. Observation is something that you cannot prove in a court of law as if you appeal to the district court you can get your test done again and they will know you can drive. Its impossible to turn a car without looking. My advice to you, if your a woman, you have a better chance. If your a guy pray to This post will be deleted if not edited immediately, allah, Ganish or buddha. These instructors must live a lonely life. Its a money making sham sham sham.
With respect, I think it is very hard and very expensive to get through your test with lessons only and no other practice. I tried it and it didnt work. Then I got my own car, did more lessons and lots of practice and it did work. Just my opinion.

This is what I think also, which is why I posed the question in the first place. However I am just concerned how to do the 'practice' when like truthseeker's friend I don't have someone to sit in the car.
Would a blow up doll work??? Ha Ha!!! Then people might think I have someone in the car!!!!
you take enough lessons that you can pass the test. You want to practice - take another lesson
This is what I think also, which is why I posed the question in the first place. However I am just concerned how to do the 'practice' when like truthseeker's friend I don't have someone to sit in the car.

As galleyslave says, if you want practice, take another lesson. Its far more valuable than just having a mate in the car as the instructors will correct you.
If you want my advice, yes take professional lessons by someone who is ADI and hope the instructor you get on the day got out of bed the right side. As I said, it dont make no difference if you can/cant drive, these guys will fail you if they dont like the look of you. Also the more they fail, the more revenue they genrate, its an incentive not to pass people.
I want to and need to drive but I have no friends or family available or willing to sit in the car with me.

What happened with your friends and family, you should be considerate to them so you can get them to drive around with you. Why don't you buy an automatic car, they're really easy to drive - you'll fly through the test with one of those.
I never learned to drive, so I sat the theory test last Friday, passed and was pleasantly surprised when my learner permit came back so quickly in the post today after I posted the permit application on Monday. Impressed with the fast delivery and I can get in a few lessons before Christmas maybe, although I am getting some lessons as a Christmas gift, so might wait until then. Looking forward to the lessons, and as I can't sit the driving test until early May, hopefully I will learn ok and enjoy it at the same time.

I looked up the mechanics of the transmission or the gears, so I understand the process a bit. I dunno if I will stick with manual or automatic when I eventually pass. I suppose you get used to operating the gearstick/clutch, first things first, I will do weekly lessons, and see how it goes.