"Does it matter if he's bluffing", of course it does, it's not bluffing , its lying. If Estate Agents want people to see them in a more positive light, they have to become paragons of honesty. Bidders have to know that they are bidding against a real person.
Auctioneers now DO have a legal obligation to reveal all they know about the property and to answer all questions truthfully, even if they are negative. Have a look at
None of this excuses Towger for telling a story which is on the face of it a pack of lies. I believe that Estate Agents have cheated and lied for years to get what they want, but so have sellers who paint over the cracks, and buyers who pretend to be cash buyers and are secretly trying to sell their wreck of a house. What I cannot really understand is why Estate Agents as a group are so vilified. My buying experiences are probably typical of everyone elses, I met the dodgy car dealer type Agent who told me the extra bit of garden was part of the house, when it belonged to the property behind, the Agent who took my deposit after doing a deal, and posted it back to me without explanation, then sold the property to someone else without lettng me bid any further. On of these guys was on the take, the other just didn't know his stuff and was winging it. But I've also met plenty of Agents who showed up for a viewing on time, were knowledgeable, courteous, and who sounded genuinely sorry for me when I didn't get what i was bidding against. I've also met dodgy solicitors, dodgy car salesman, carpet salesmen, dodgy politicians, I won't go one, but in every business ther are crooks, what is it about estate agents that inspires people to make stuff up?