"How bad" - where did it come from?

I think "How Bad!" spoken this way would just be an unusual case of common sarcastic irony.

It's just that most of us are more familiar with sarcastic irony when used after receiving negative information.

e.g. If you are told you have to work over the weekend, you could reply "How Nice!"
... it is used in the context of how Graham07 posted above

Yep that's what I'm referring to. It's sounds like an example of the use of words to express something opposite to their literal meaning.

Your computer has crashed! - who's the genius that installed that new software!

He dumped her with a text message: How nice of him !

You won the lottery: How bad is that ?
yera lad, you could be in de horrors tryin ta sord-out dem Cawk Siddy crowd.

What about the nasal sailing set - C4 if you will.

Cork Joke:

Norrie Auld Wan waiting for a bus, to sophisticated gent: Hi lad, what time is the next bus at?

Gent (in nasal tones): Oh Madam, you know you should never end a sentenece in a preposition.

Minutes pass.....

Auld Wan: Hi, what time is the next bus at .... LANGER ???!!!!