Their wealth improves but if it improves through asset price inflation then they are not creating wealth. If it improves through working in the traded goods and services sector then they probably are creating real wealth in the economy. They are also not improving their wealth through their sacrifices, but rather due to the appreciation of existing assets. I'm in favour of taxes that encourage real wealth creation rather that taxes which penalise it. I'm not in favour of a greater net tax take but a shift away from taxing wealth creation and onto wealth retention.
Yes, people who improve their wealth through their sacrifices, in other words through their work, should not be punished. High taxes on labour do exactly that.
People who choose not to make sacrifices but simply own assets are currently rewarded by the hard work of others; their assets appreciate due to the economic activity of others but those hard workers are taxed up to the hilt. That doesn't seem fair to me.