Case study House with no deeds...

David Holden

Registered User
Hi All, first time posting. My grandparents died some years ago (20 and 34 years respectively) and their house (which has no deeds and is unregistered) was left in the care of my mother. We have spent money to keep it habitable and have now rented it to recoup some of these costs.
My question is if anyone on the forum has possession of a house where no deeds exist (or have ever existed) and how (if at all possible) , could one legalise possession ?
I would greatly appreciate any advise / recommendations forum members may have.

Thanks again
Have you had a solicitor investigate?
Are you sure it is not registered- have you done a search. If unregistered, could still be Registry of Deeds, have you had searches made.
Titles like this are quite common, and in most circumstances title can be perfected, by a squattors application or a first registration. But you will need to consult a solicitor to look into it. Normally I would be able to tell a client after initial investigations very quickly what would be involved, the cost and the time- and then it is up to the client to go ahead or not.
Many thanks for the response ,Vanilla.
some years back ,i raised this with a solicitor and i believe searches were made and the property could not be located.
I wasnt aware that titles like this existed - I would be very interested in talking with you further if you felt there was an opportunity that title could be perfected ? many thanks again