People really need to look at what a reduction in price actually means in real terms, something alot of people forget about, figures like 300k, 500k, 800k means nothing until you work out what it costs each and every month.
Take an example of a €350k house, the repayments on that would be €2098 per month (35yr 6%) now say that house drops price by 20% to €280k, so your repayments will go down to €1678. Thats €420 every month saved for 35 years.
Ok, your buying in a falling market and plenty of buyers are saying sure prices will increase in a few years, but thats €420 more your paying every month and the future value of your house is irrelavent unless you going to sell. And i'd hope anyone buying now is buying a home of life and not just something there going to look to sell in 5-10 years.
The market will continue to drop for atleast another year, but my own believe is for the next 2-3 years, with another couple of years before we see even a price increase in line with inflation. We are only in the early days of this bubble brust. The question is, are you happy to pay that extra €200, €400, €600 every month by buying now and not waiting awhile?
If you are then the best of luck to you, a home for your loved ones might just be worth that extra and so by all means find that home now.