House Alarm -how to get landlords contact details

There are regulations since 2003 though (from Oasis):
A European standard for external intruder alarms replaced all current national standards in September, 2003. The new standard incorporates stricter controls regarding minimum and maximum duration for the sounding of alarms. The new limits are 90 seconds minimum and 15 minutes maximum. However, the new controls only apply to alarms fitted from September, 2003.

Nothing about internal alarms which, if you're living next door in a sem-d, really does the damage.

Just wondering if the tenants came back on Saturday or are you all still listening to it??
It was still ringing outside (not as loud) but was ringing inside like mad on Friday(when I last posted) Anyway, my poor neighbour was driven demented with it (she was going around with ear plugs in it)

Anyway, she had a brainstorm and got the name of the ex-tenant who we knew quite well(has only moved out a couple of weeks having been there three years). We knew he worked in Intel so rang him in work, he told her the landlords name, and all we knew was he lived in Lucan too.

So my neighbour got the phone book out, started ringing all of those with his surname listed in Lucan. To cut a long story short, the second one she got was his sister, so she said she would get in touch with him and get it sorted.

I did not know that she had managed to track him down, so on Friday when I was coming in from work, there he was skulking down the path, opened the front door, knocked off the alarm and went to fly off back to his car when he saw me coming as he must have known we were fuming. I told him that it had been going off for three days. Told him we tried to track him down through the landlord register and he didnt appear to be registered. Said he thought he was(ha) and was going to see about it. This guy has four properties.

So its stopped ringing at least!!!