Home made pizza sticking to non stick tray

And sorry, a silly question but when you're finished with the stone, where do you store it? Is it not super heavy? Just wondering as I have very little storage in my kitchen and wondering how difficult it may be to store.


Hopefully thats the last of my questions!
They look great! Have just started making our own pizza dough and I have to say we'll never go back to bought pizzas. Might have to invest in a good solid German pizza stone...

If you feel like that about pizza, try this recipe for tortilla's. You honestly will NEVER want to eat the packet wraps ever ever again Really fantastic. People don't understand why we bother- until they taste them!!! You don't have to follow the filling- just make a regular chilli or whatever you fancy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBgsLmDcL78
Add home-made guacamole and.....well, I lived on them when I was preggers.

Paulsgirl: we leave one stone in the bottom of the oven, we never move it. And the other we move in and out depending on whether we need the space or not.