Health insurance year doesn't coincide with tax year: how to claim health expenses?


Registered User
As the title says, how do I claim from Revenue if the years don't match, i.e. how do I fill in PAYE Anytime if my claim statements are from July to July? Should I contact VHI and ask them to make the year start at 1st January or can I just use the figures of my claim statement for one of the years and keep on doing so for the next in an "orderly manner"?
As you suggest, the simplest thing is to add up your medical expenses for Jan to December 2012, then show what refund you received in July 2012.
Strictly speaking the refund may cover different invoices, but if you take this view every year it should be acceptable.
Thanks for that Gervan. I should have explained it better. The problem arises when calculating the amount refunded by health insurance provider when the excesses are from July to July... Can I e.g. just divide it all by 12 and calculate it that way? Or maybe take one health year excess for a particular tax year and alternate the two that way in the future?
One way of doing this is to make two claims per year to the VHI. One for Jan - Jul and one for Jul-Dec. This might mean that get little or nothing back in the July -Dec claim as you have not reched the excess, but you will have VHI statements for the calendar year.

I do this, but I have very small excesses so its less of an issue, but it is a neat way of having VHI statements for my tax claim.