T McGibney
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Asking kids to gambling to achieve Leaving Cert marks is if anything even worse.I've had some multiple choice exams with negative marking. Makes guessing a bit risky.
Asking kids to gambling to achieve Leaving Cert marks is if anything even worse.I've had some multiple choice exams with negative marking. Makes guessing a bit risky.
True!Very easy to game these unless you keep inventing an infinite number of new puzzles.
Education is often seen as a panacea for a liberal civilised society: the more, the better. But what if we’re wrong? What if the desire to deliver higher education to as many people as possible is actually making society less fair?
I don't see how your post disagrees with the link Brendan quoted. Yes, we need technical and science based universities but do we need so many meaningless degrees? There are some companies which have a policy of requiring a third level degree to become a senior executive. If someone has worked there for 20 years and is clearly the best candidate why on earth should they be excluded from promotion because they don't have a degree in English Literature?Its probably the case that there are too many third level institutions and students in third level. However i completely disagree with the above hypothesis afterall the most advanced societies on the planet also have the best universities. Its obviously the case that advanced societies need higher level education in order to be advanced. In order to have smart phones we need smart people in universities studying the science behind this advancement. However there is an awful lot of rubbish now being "studied" in higher level institutions that has little value to society
The people who created smart phones most likely never went to universities, the advancement of society is created by the risk takers based upon their dreams and asperations,
you need the dream first to advance society there are many other dreamers who never went to universities, your dreams and ideas can be developed by others, universities have there place also, I taught the smart phone was developed by someone else apologies for that, I am sure you would agree also,
I always feel the ideas and dreams are in the future terms and universities are in the present, it's most likely the reason all businesses fail eventually, I would also agree, to many people go to college,
I always feel the ideas and dreams are in the future terms and universities are in the present, it's most likely the reason all businesses fail eventually
Universities have been around for centuries, the human taught process has been, ie dreams ideas have been around since human evolution began, the human taught process comes first, there is nothing linear about the process,
the devinci and Wright brother's example is not valid
I dream humanity will time travel to distant galaxies in the future, it doesn't mean I will develop the technology now to do it but humanity over time will develop it,
a business starts from its creator and when the creator leaves for whatever reason the business will decline over time however sometimes the new owners with the aid of New technology will advance the business but ultimately it will fail,
the human taught process will be stuck in the present, I am sure you would agree
The taught process is stuck in the present when dealing in third level that's what I am and have said, human dreams and ideas are in the future as they have not been created yet,Thought process for a start. So if the thought process comes first, you are agreeing that it is linear? The idea comes before the development which in turn comes before the finished article?
Yes but there is nothing linear about the taught process the ideas have to come first,
Why not? Because the Wright brothers had no relevant formal education and beat those with it to the punch? Or something to do with their dreams being in the past?
The devinci and Wright brother's example is not valid because of 400 years of human evolution between them, that has nothing to do with education, during the devinci era I wonder if they had bycycles let alone planes its easy looking back at human advancement it's already been achieved , the human taught process is future advancement,
Bit of a sideline, but I'm not convinced that will ever be possible.
You do not believe time travel is possible in the future, that is the linier taught process stuck in the present which is what I am talking about,
Given long enough, and the probability of human extinction that's almost certainly true, but I'm failing to see how it relates to number in 3rd level. There are many businesses that have survived hundreds of years, many that have gone on to far exceed the achievements of their founders, many, many more don't make it past year 2. The thoughts or dreams of a founder have a level of influence over the short term, but little or none on the long term success of multi-generational companies they have formed.
Yes business survive generations and change, give me an example of a business to survive say a thousand years (no religion), they ultimately fail, colleges work on the development of ideas in the present,
Absolutely not. Human thought is only constrained by the imagination and experience of the subject, is vastly different from person to person and does not stand still, but evolves continuously. Visionaries dream of posibilities that may take weeks or hundreds of year to come to fruition. It's untrue to state their thought process is stuck in their present.
The taught process is stuck in the present when dealing in third level that's what I am and have said,